Complete SEO Package Case Study

Complete SEO PackageToday I am going to run through a case study for a few clients that are on our complete seo package.

I will reveal the ranking strategy, how it works and why these sites are sitting rank #1 for many keywords.

You can purchase the package here, we call it the complete package because it includes keyword research, content writing and backlinks.

We do absolutely everything for your site.

We basically do keyword research each week, we go ahead and find two low competition long tail keywords.

After that we write two highly optimised articles focused around those two keywords.

The final step is to drip feed web 2.0 backlinks to the new posts, this is done over 90 days.

We do around 20 backlinks per month, so each post will receive a total of 60 backlinks over 90 days.

The package runs for a full month, this means you get 8 hand written highly optimised articles and around 500 to 720 backlinks.

The articles are around 300 to 500 words in length, sometimes longer, this all depends on the keyword.

We select very low competition keywords that we know will rank top with web 2.0 backlinks alone.

This is a very quick and guaranteed way to get traffic to a website.

We then funnel the traffic from these posts into the site to the buyer pages or sign up pages.

This ensures bounce rate remains low and the site makes money from the service.

I am going to reveal the ranking results for two of the clients we have done this for so far.

Complete SEO Package Results

Happy ClientWe have many sites on this package, today I am going to show you the results for two sites.

Each and every site we have done this for have number one rankings.

The two sites are in a very competitive niche and were struggling initially to get traffic.

We suggested what this package entails to the owners and they jumped on board.

Their traffic and sales have soared in recent weeks, which of course led to this case study coming about.

The keywords we select are very low competition and in return have low search volume, however this is something many people overlook.

The low search volume long tail keywords are easy pickings, if you have no traffic it is better to have some, right?

If you do this system over a long period of time the results are amazing and the traffic comes from all angles, even from keywords you did not target in the first place.

We target buyer keywords and push the traffic through the site, which ensures maximum return.

Sometimes these low search volume keywords are better than high search volume keywords because the visitor is at the end of the sales cycle and is ready to buy, or sign up for something.

We find these keywords for you, write perfect content and drip feed the right amount of web 2 backlinks over 90 days to ensure a top ranking.

By the way, this works for any website out there. We are running this service on ecommerce sites and regular service sites all in very high competition niches.

Okay, let’s take a look at the results for these two websites.

Website #1

This client has been with us on this package for 6 months now, here are the results.

Client 1 Ranking Results

We have just started month 7 with these guys, as you can see it is no surprise why they keep moving forward with us on this package.

It’s a shame I can’t reveal the website to you, but that would be unfair to the client and we would never do this.

Over the 6 months we have found them 48 long tail keywords.

We have written 48 highly optimized articles and ranked most keywords #1 on Google, Yahoo and Bing.

website 1 stats

Over the past 6 months we have:

  • Increased the number of unique visitors
  • Increased the number of page visits (funnelling traffic to buyer pages off buyer search term posts)
  • Increased visit duration
  • Reduced bounce rate

All of this has been done using our complete seo package.

Out of the 48 keywords we have:

  • 24 top number one ranking pages
  • 4 pages ranked number 2
  • 3 pages ranked number 3
  • 2 pages ranked number 4
  • 3 pages ranked number 6
  • 4 pages ranked number 7
  • 2 pages ranked number 9
  • 1 page ranked number 10
  • 1 page ranked number 15
  • 1 page ranked number 32
  • 1 page ranked number 38
  • 2 pages not in the top 50

The pages that are in the lower rankings and not showing in the top 50 are the recent posts done just this week, they will hit the top spot too.

Obviously after the 90 day drip feed backlinks are complete all keywords will be in the top spot.

Website #2

This client has just finished month 6 with us and is continuing into month 7.

Here are the ranking results:

Client 2 Ranking Results

As you can see we have very similar results, many of the keywords are ranking number one.

Out of the 48 keywords here is the ranking breakdown:

  • 18 top number one ranking pages
  • 9 pages ranked number 2
  • 3 pages ranked number 3
  • 4 pages ranked number 4
  • 3 pages ranked number 5
  • 1 page ranked number 7
  • 1 page ranked number 11
  • 1 page ranked number 12
  • 1 page ranked number 16
  • 1 page ranked number 22
  • 1 page ranked number 23
  • 2 pages ranked number 37
  • 1 page ranked number 41
  • 2 pages not in the top 50

A nice spread of keywords, all rankings will hit the top as the drip feed backlinks come in over the 90 days.

Here are some other metrics that you might be interested in which have improved over the 6 months.

  • MOZ domain authority has gone from 22 to 31
  • MOZ page authority (home page, where internal links feed to) has gone from 26 to 35
  • The number of linking domains has gone from 77 to 356

website 2 stats

After you do this to your site:

  • Add content on a regular basis
  • Have a steady flow of backlinks

You end up improving the authority of your site, as you do this you start to rank for higher traffic short tail keywords too.

If you have a site that is going nowhere at all this is exactly what you need to be doing.

You can use us to do it for you or go ahead and do it yourself.

I am now going to reveal the tools we use to do this for our clients, you can go ahead and do this yourself and build the authority of your site and get that traffic and most importantly sales flowing.

The Strategy – How It’s Done

As I have already stated, there is three parts to this ranking strategy.

Miss one or get lazy and you will not rank top.

The three parts to get quick ranking results include:

  1. Keyword research – find long tail low seo competition keywords
  2. Content – must be hand written highly optimised around one long tail focus keyword
  3. Backlinks – must be done slow and steady over a 90 day cycle (can be drip fed using software)

Nothing more is required, I will show you how we get this done for our clients and how we get those number one rankings time and time again.

#1 Keyword Research

Each and every step us important, please do not rush this step, if you invest time into keyword research it will pay off big time down the line.

To perform keyword research we use Long Tail Pro, however there are free tools you can use instead.

I have done a full Long Tail Pro tutorial here, just follow this for your keyword research.

The free tools you can use include:

You are looking for long tail low seo competition keywords in your niche.

What is a long tail low seo competition keyword?

  1. Long Tail Keyword – we go for search terms with 3 words or more (the longer the better)
  2. Low SEO Competition – we are not looking at seo scores here, you need to do this manual. You need to make sure the keyword is not: in the TITLE and DESCRIPTION TAGs, in the URL anywhere of the top 10 ranking sites.

Even the free keyword research tools like MOZ keyword explorer show you a SERPs analysis, do not miss that step.

keyword research

That’s all you are looking for, when you find these keywords you know you will rank top with web 2 backlinks alone.

Find two keywords each week and then write content around them.

Now I will show you how we optimise the content around the low competition keywords.

#2 Content

Hand Written ContentNow to know exactly how much content you need to write you need to check the top ranking site for that search term.

If the top ranking site has very thin content between 100 and 200 words then you can go ahead and write 300 to 500 words on the subject.

You must optimise the content in the following way:

  • Ensure exact keyword is in the TITLE and DESCRIPTION TAG
  • Ensure keyword is in the URL extension.
  • Ensure keyword is in the H1 TAG and H2 TAG.
  • Ensure keyword is at the top (in bold), middle and bottom (in italic) of the content.
  • Ensure the keyword is in one ALT TAG.

That’s all we do.

We write 300 to 500 words, add one image to the post and optimise it as stated above.

Make sure it is hand written or you will not hit the top, that is a guarantee.

#3 Backlinks

Build BacklinksThis is the final part of the strategy, you can do this manual to save money, however we use software to save time.

To drip feed web 2 backlinks we use fcs networker.

To read my full tutorial on how to use this cloud based software go here.

We drip feed 60 backlinks to each new post over 90 days, this can be done with the click of a button using fcs networker.

The software allows you to post to most web 2.0 platforms, we use Tumblr and Weebly most of the time.

You can add new web 2 sites into the software, we scrape and add expired web 2 blogs that have many backlinks pointing at them.

The content we post on these blogs is readable, it is generated but is of high quality (readable).

Most of the time we use the GSA Content Generator tool, you will find it here. It is a one off payment, no monthly fees with this one and it is very good.

If anyone wants me to do a tutorial on this drop a comment below.

The next part is very important:

We never use exact match anchors with this strategy, we only use brand and url for anchors.

If your content is optimised well done the way we stated above Google Bot knows exactly what your main keyword is and that is exactly what it will rank top for.

For the perfect anchor text ratio take a look at this post.

That’s the strategy in full and how we get number one rankings over and over for our clients.

If you want us to do it for you too go ahead and take a look at our complete seo package.

Like always, if you have any questions drop me a comment, I am happy to help any time.

67 thoughts on “Complete SEO Package Case Study”

  1. Post sits on expired tumblr homepage. Right.

    Homepage was already indexed to pass link juice but had you indexed post as well with drip feed. I know it’s not necessary. It will just give 2 backlinks instead of 1 if post index as well. Right.

  2. 1. Do you use FCS Networker to create content for 2880 posts that not use GSA content generator? I don’t see FCS Networker has API for GSA content generator?
    2. Do you build 20 backlinks every month so with 2880 posts you will take 144 days to finish them?
    3. With 20 backlinks you use for 20 different pages (you have 48 pages) or a page? Because a page will receive 60 backlinks from 60 web 2.0s.

    • 1. I use GSA content generator. It’s a one off fee (which is reasonable) and the content is good.
      2. In most cases there will be 1 link to the money site, 1 link to another web 2.0 (if you are doing a web 2.0 link wheel) and 1 link to an authority site in the same niche (not a competitor for your keyword).


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