Web 2.0 Blog List

Web 2.0 Blog List

Below you will find a web 2.0 blog list. If the sites are set up manually they will not drop.

It’s important to use sites where the backlinks are going to stick.

If the web 2 sites are going to drop so will your rank and your time has been wasted.

These are the web 2 sites we use in our 20 site premium link wheel package.

The sites are tried and tested over many years and will not drop if done correctly.

These links still work today, now it is best to use Brand and URL anchors.

To prove that these links work take a look at our web 2 link wheel tutorial.

I see many affiliate sites and regular ecommerce sites ranking with these backlinks only.

They are free to get and really do work if you done them right.

If you have not already done so you should take a look at our web 2.0 backlinks ranking strategy.

Web 2.0 Blog List

  1. wordpress.com
  2. sitey.me
  3. kiwibox.com
  4. tumblr.com
  5. strikingly.com
  6. yolasite.com
  7. wix.com
  8. my-free.website
  9. simplesite.com
  10. kinja.com
  11. webself.net
  12. skyrock.com
  13. page.tl
  14. im-creator.com
  15. sites.google.com
  16. blogspot.com
  17. website2.me
  18. minds.com
  19. site123.me
  20. myfreesites.net

Of course there is a whole lot more, I have used them all.

These are the ones I stick with, it is highly unlikely that your links will drop.

I use readable generated content on these sites and they stick.

Yes these are nofollow and dofollow.

The nofollow links help too, you need to have a mixed backlink profile.

We have tried and tested all of these blogs over many years.

No matter what your content is the sites will stick, as long as you set them up manually.

Our web 2.0 link building strategy involves linking each web 2 site to the next in a link wheel formation.

We then power up these links with tier 1 high PA Tumblr and Weebly web 2.0 blogs.

We re-register expired high PA Tumblr and Weebly blogs that have lots of backlinks pointing to them.

You can find any expired web 2.0 sites doing a manual search completely free, all is explained here.

We also make sure the expired blogs are still indexed in Google.

This means the Tier 2 links that we do will index our tier 1 links, they will also pass link juice down the line.

We use FCS Networker to do the Tier 2 links, you can discover how to use it here.

List Of Web 2.0 Sites That Always Index [TRIED AND TESTED OVER MANY YEARS]

Okay, so there is no point in building these web 2.0 backlinks unless they index.

We have used pretty much every web 2 platform there is.

Over the years we have discovered that the listed platforms always index.

You can use Blogger to index your web 2.0 backlinks.

Follow my tutorial on how to index your backlinks fast in minutes.

Here is a list of all the web 2.0 sites that always index every time we use them, even when generated content is used on them:

  • weebly
  • wordpress
  • aircus.com
  • yolasite.com
  • sitey.me
  • strikingly.com
  • webself.net
  • my-free.website
  • constantcontactsites.com
  • wix.com
  • simplesite.com
  • issuu.com
  • all4webs.com
  • blogger.com
  • jigsy.com
  • website2.me
  • site123.me
  • over-blog.com
  • bloglovin.com
  • fortunetelleroracle.com

If you have any web 2.0 sites to add to the list please drop them in a comment below.

Only suggest platforms that have been tried and tested over a long period of time and are know to last.

31 thoughts on “Web 2.0 Blog List”

  1. Hi Nick,

    Just stumbled upon this one. Great post. Loved it. I had a question regarding something. Is this web 2.0 sites newly created or expired ones because getting links from newly created web 2.0 won’t make an impact in Google in comparison to expired ones as far as I know.

    Can we use exact match as an anchored text while linking to rank a post.

    Also wanted to know how old you were when you created this site to help people with the rankings. It’s an amazing site with a lot of valuable information that I hardly see anywhere on the web.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    • These are new web 2.0 sites, they will have an impact on your rankings if you get them indexed. Yes, you can use exact match as anchors, make sure you mix it up and do not use them too many times. I started Rankers Paradise in 2016 after getting many top Google rankings, I thought I would share what I was doing to help people rank and make some money online. I was getting sick of reading about what people had done and achieved with regards to rankings but there was no proof, so I did the web 2.0 backlinks post to not only show people how to do it but to prove that it works. Great to have you here, if you have any more questions just let me know.

  2. Hi Nick, um Abdul here again. Can i get my expired web 2 blogs which are not indexed in google with an indexer tool to just fire them with indexer tool to get straight into the google index ?
    is that okay and wont that hurt my expired web 2 blogs when i do that ? without using any of my already indexed we 2 blogs to point them to the expired web 2 blogs which is manually instead of the indexer tool which will do that automatically..is google happy with that and wont hurt my ranking or google index..?

    • Hi Abdul, most indexer tools don’t work and are a waste of time and effort. Indexer tools will not hurt any of your web 2 blogs, however it’s best to do another Tier of backlinks from blogs that are indexed, or drop the links on social media sites which get crawled a lot. When Google bot next crawls the social sites the links to your web 2s will be found and will be indexed if they are going to be.

  3. Hi Nick, I remember you mentioning that we should try and get our keyword into the subdomain as we register these free accounts. If we do this wouldn’t it show up in the serp for our competitors to see? For example, if my keyword is “cat” and I register http://www.bluecat.tumblr.com, wouldn’t my web 2.0 eventually show up for my competitors to see, if they did a search for “cat?”

    • Yes it will show up in the SERP for your competitors to see, you want it to show in the SERP for your keyword, the higher the web 2 sites rank for your keyword the higher your site will rank up. Your competitors can copy your links but you have a head start, your Tumblr will be aged and will have backlinks to it, while they are trying to catch up you will be getting more backlinks, your competitors will always be behind.

  4. Hello Nick, can you explain how strong domain authority works? If we have many backlinks pointing to the home page of our website, obviously the home page will rank well. But what about the inner pages? will they automatically rank good, as well? or do we have to repeat the same process and create backlinks for the inner pages (such as service pages) that we want to rank? it seems very repetitive.

    If we have a blog post with products, would it help if we keep the blogs on the front page and try and prevent them from rolling off the front page?

    • You will get a strong domain authority by spreading links across the whole domain, use internal links wisely to spread the rank juice around your site. Don’t just hit one page on your website with a load of links and ignore the rest of your site. At the start, you can link out from the homepage to your important inner pages to distribute the rank juice from all the backlinks you have pointed to the homepage. You most definitely have to send backlinks to your inner pages too, however this depends on your keywords, some inner pages will rank with internal links alone if your content is really good and the seo competition is low. Keeping the blog posts on the front page all depends on your niche, it doesn’t really matter if they roll off the front page, if you have too much going on at the homepage your load time will suffer.

      • what do you mean when you say ” Keeping the blog posts on the front page all depends on your niche?” do certain niches benefit from such a strategy? if so, which ones? what if we only have 3-4 full page blogs on the home page of our website, detailing our most important product/service. Would these 3-4 posts benefit tremendously by being on the front page as opposed to being inner pages?

        • I mean if you are in the blogging niche then it will look natural to have your blog roll show on the front page. If you are in any ecommerce niche it looks natural to have the blog a few click inside the site. Every niche will benefit from the backlinks, there is more benefit from being on the front page yes but it’s not a big issue.

  5. Hi Nick, I tried setting up a handful of these web 2.0 entities about 3 months ago. They initially indexed. However, when I revisit them 3 months later I find that they have been de-indexed. Furthermore, entities such as wordpress and tumblr etc are reporting DA=1 and PA=1. Should we be concerned? is it just a matter of firing a few backlinks to them to get them to index again? if so what kind of backlinks should we use?

    In relation to the DA and PA=1, is it just an anomaly or have the domain authority been reduced on these subdomains? Any feedback would be much appreciated.

    • Hi Jasmine, definitely fire indexed Tumblr backlinks at them to index them and keep them indexed. MOZ did an update so new web 2.0 blogs show DA 1, if you fire hire PA/DA Tumblr backlinks at them their PA and DA will go up quickly. It’s nothing to worry about having a PA DA of 1, as long as you have the keyword in the sub domain name you now have a conextual backlink from a niche related site. Also, to avoid the blog getting de-indexed you can add some more content to the blogs and use internal links.

  6. Hello Nick,
    I read and really like your posts and they have really really great value. There are lots of guys who write about SEO but as far as I found ONLY 2 of these guys(one of them is you) give REAL information. Rest makes marketng 5000 words articles. THey really make marketing but you give real information. Thanks again.

    My question is this, I couldn’t find answer to this question on the web:
    – Is it good or bad to leave comments on INDEXED COMPETITOR VIDEOS, WEB 2.0 BLOGS and FORUM POSTS? I hope it is clear. Lets assume that we make SEO on machine production niche. Then we have competitors already ranked. They have forum posts well indexed, they have videos(youtube,vimeo), and they have web2.0 blog posts and each ALLOW comments and they are auto approved. SO if I drop my links on these pages as comments is it GOOD or BAD? Looking forward to hear you, (by the way if dont want to print my website link you can remove)

    • Thanks for the feedback Ali, good to have you here. It’s good to have a mixed backlink profile and comments on indexed competitor videos, web 2 blogs and forum posts will not only help with your ranking but will pass traffic to your site too, just make sure you use the right anchors and you have other backlinks in place eg contextual ones from niche related blogs.

  7. indexing a tumblr post is hard this days as opposed to how it use to be where one just add the link to google add url console.and within minutes is indexed. Right now you have to login to google, add the url and verify. that means if u have a blast of 50 tier 2 tumblr u have to register and verify on google one after the order, login in into the tumblr too to upload the google html metatags of verification….. How do you index and make google find this tier 2 tumblr post NICK


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