Web 2.0 Link Wheel Tutorial

Web 2 0 Link Wheel TutorialI am going to show you how to build a web 2.0 link wheel manually and with the use of software too.

This ranking strategy got me a Google page 1 ranking on day 1.

In around 30 days the strategy got me a Google.com and Google.co.uk rank 1 for my selected keyword.

I am going to show you how I did it for free.

You can do it yourself for free or……..

You can get the strategy done for you right here in the Rankers Paradise SEO store.

I have logged the results below, this is a proven strategy you can use yourself.

You can even check my results for yourself to know for certain that it will work for you too.

Most importantly I am going to show you the rank effects of a powerful link wheel like this.

You can follow the tutorial to build your very own link wheel.

So what is a link wheel?

It’s simply linking up your sites one by one into a wheel formation so that they are not orphaned pages.

The seo link wheel can be a very powerful rank strategy when done the right way.

I am going to point the backlinks to this post to see the rank effects.

I will do a small 5 site web 2.0 link wheel on tier 1.

On tier 2 I will point 10 high PA Tumblrs to each of the 5 web 2.0 posts.

I am not going to write any of the content myself for any of the sites.

I am going to use SEO Content Machine to generate some unique content.

Let’s get right into it;

Web 2.0 Link Wheel Tutorial

First of all we need to set up 5 web 2.0 sites.

To do that we are going to require a fresh email.

You can set up a free email account at the following sites:

  1. Mail.com
  2. gmx.co.uk
  3. Yandex.com

Go ahead and get yourself a free email, you only require one. We can use the one email address to set up all five web 2.0 sites.

Now you have your email set up you need to register five Web 2.0 sites for use in the link wheel.

The five Web 2.0 sites I am going to use on tier 1 are;

  1. Tumblr.com
  2. Weebly.com
  3. WordPress.com
  4. Kinja.com
  5. Blogger.com

Go to each Web 2.0 site and set up an account. If you want a list of other web 2.0 sites that you can use go to my free backlinks post.

Make sure you get your keyword into the Web 2.0 sub domain.

I am looking to rank this page for the keyword “Web 2.0 Link Wheel” so I will make sure it sits in the blog sub domain URL.

For example, if you have the keyword “best epilator” you would want your Web 2.0 URL to look like this:


If the exact match keyword blog URL is taken add another word to the end, so you will have something like this:

bestepilatorsite.tumblr.com or even bestepilatorblog.tumblr.com

I think you know what I mean.

Now that you have your Web 2.0 blogs set up you need to get some content to post onto them.

I am going to use SEO Content Machine to generate the content for me.

If you do not have SEO Content Machine you have a few other options available.

You can either write the content yourself by hand, which is by far the best method, but the most time consuming.

You can go ahead and use the free blog content generators outlined in one of my previous posts.

Or you can buy some content for use on your blogs. You can use this service here to get the job done.

Web 2 Link Wheel Strategy Done For You

Generate Unique Content

I am going to show you how to generate unique content using SEO Content Machine.

I want these sites up and live as fast as possible, so I am going to generate the content.

Go ahead and fire up your copy of the SEO Content Machine software.

Generate Articles for your web 2.0 sites

Click on the “Generate Articles” icon.

Go ahead and set up your content settings

Add your keyword into the “Keywords” box.

Make sure you select the article quality to be “Unique”, this is very important.

We want the content to be as long as possible. So I set the Paragraph count from 25 to 50 and have paragraph Min Words set to 50.

Use the in built spinner “Soft Spin”, which is very good. Then set your article count to 5.

Make sure you select “No Spintax” and choose a folder on your pc to save your content to.

Now you can hit the “Run Task” button. Make sure the “Run Immediately” radio box is checked.

When the content is complete we will optimise it for posting onto our web 2.0 sites. I will show you exactly how to do this right now.

How To Optimise Your Web 2.0 Content

We will optimise the content as we drop it onto our web 2.0 sites.

Before you drop the content onto the web 2.0 sites you need some images. You need around 10 images, make sure you get your keyword into the file name of the image.

The anchor text I will use for the Tier 1 backlinks will be;

  • Brand
  • Full Open URL
  • Brand
  • Long Tail Exact

You can check out my perfect anchor text ratio post to understand why I chose these anchors.

Optimise the content on your Web 2.0 sites like this

Right, let’s drop the content onto the web 2.0 sites, to get the most benefit from it you need to do the following things.

  • Add your keyword at the beginning of the title
  • Put your keyword at the top, in the middle and at the end of the content. (if it’s a long piece of content drop the keyword in there a few more times). Make sure one of the keywords is in bold type.
  • Put the keyword in a heading on the page.
  • Add the images to your post. Make sure the images have the keyword in the file name, also add the keyword to the image ALT TAG if it is possible.
  • Add the backlink to your money site above the fold. I always put the backlinks in the first paragraph. If you are not using exact match anchors make sure your chosen keyword is close to your anchor, this is very important.
  • Add another backlink to an authority site. Google your keyword, go to page 4 or 5 and find a site that has high domain authority and drop a backlink to it, do not use exact match anchors, use generic anchors for these.
  • Go to youtube and pop your keyword in the search box. Use a different video on each web 2.0. Use the top 5, whichever ones you choose.

That’s it, go ahead and drop the content on all 5 web 2.0 sites. Make sure you optimise each site as suggested above.

Now your web 2.0 sites will have fully otpomised content on them with a backlink to your money site.

Now it is time to link the 5 web 2.0 sites together into what is know as a link wheel.

Create The Web 2.0 Link Wheel

Now we need to go ahead and develop the web 2.0 link wheel. It is really very easy to do, this is how you do it;

How to set up your web 2.0 link wheel

This is how you set up your link wheel;

  • Tumblr links to Weebly
  • Weebly links to WordPress
  • WordPress links to Kinja
  • Kinja links to Blogger
  • Blogger links to Tumblr

Go ahead and link up your web 2.0 blogs. Use all long tail exact anchors, this means you must have your exact keyword in the anchor.

Here is an example of a long tail exact anchor:

If my keyword is “best fishing knife” then a long tail exact anchor for this would be “see this best fishing knife guide here”.

Get thise 5 web 2s linked up now. This ensures your money site gets backlinks and your web 2.0 sites gets backlinks. This ensures your web 2s are not orphaned pages, which is very important.

Also, make sure you link to the web 2.0 post page, not the web 2.0 home page.

Make sure you index those tier 1 backlinks too, you can use Google Console for this. Do not worry if the links do not remain in the index, the tier 2 backlinks will help sort that little problem out.

Now I have my tier 1 web 2.0 backlinks set up, it is time to pump out some tier 2 backlinks.

Tier 2 Backlinks

On tier 2 I am going to build 10 high PA Tumblr backlinks to each tier 1 web 2.0 site.

I am going to use FCS Networker to get my tier 2 backlinks, of course you can do this manually.

Or you can use an seo clerks service for it. The service here offers 50 high PA Tumblr backlinks, and you can split the URLs, which means you can give the seller your 5 tier 1 URLs and get 10 backlinks to each of them.

This is how you can get Tumblr backlinks fast using FCS Networker;

Go ahead and log into your FCS Networker account.

If you are completely new to FCS Networker you will need to add your Tumblr blogs into the system. I have covered this in my FCS Networker guide, so I won’t go over that again here.

I assume that you have your Tumblr blogs loaded into FCS Networker and you are ready to roll out the backlinks.

I am going to use FCS Networker to generate the content for the web 2.0 tier 2 backlinks, it actually produces really good content.

Set up your web 2.0 link sets in FCS Networker

Select “Link Sets” and click on the “Add Link Set” tab.

This is how we are going to set up the anchors used on the backlinks to our tier 1 web 2.0 sites.

We are going to set up 5 link sets.

All tier 2 backlinks will point to the tier 1 post page, not the home page.

All 10 anchors are going to be long tail exact match anchors. You will need to enter 10 different long tail anchors into the system.

web 2.0 tier 2 anchor text to use

You are going to create 5 link sets, one for each web 2.0 site on tier 1.

Enter your link set name.

Enter the URL of the web 2.0 site on tier 1.

Then drop 10 long tail exact match anchors in the “Main Anchors” text box.

Next you need to scroll down and hit the “Add Links” button.

Create your web 2.0 blog project

Click on “Create Projects” (circled red) and give your project a name.

Make sure that “Submission Style” is set to “Post Amount Per Project” and that you have the “Evenly” radio tab selected for “Submit Posts Across Accounts”.

Select Your Web 2 Link Sets

Scroll down the page and select the “Linking” tab.

Click on the “Choose Links Sets” button and select one of your link sets that you set up earlier. Leave everything else set on default.

You can add authority link into the mix if you want to, I am not going to do this. I want all the rank juice to flow to the web 2.0 sites.

Then click on the “Images/Videos” tab.

Add Image and Videos to your web 2.0 sites

Simply drop your keyword into the images section. The software will add web 2.0 related images into the tier 2 blog posts for me.

Ignore the rest of the tabs, we do not need to use them. Now scroll back to the top of the project page.

select web 2 blogs for tier 2

To select the Tumblr accounts that you want to use on tier 2, first select the “Accounts” tab and then click the “Add Accounts” button.

You will then be presented with a list of all the web 2.0 accounts you have in the software, check the radio button of the the 10 Tumblrs that you wish to use.

auto generate content for your web 2.0 blogs

Now click on the “Articles/Content” tab and click the “Auto-Gen Content” radio tab.

Pop your main keyword into the “keyword” text box and select a category for your content.

Make sure that you select the content quality to “Readable” and set how many paragraphs you wish to have.

Then check the “Submit To All Accounts Once” tab.

Scroll down and hit the “Save Project” button.

FCS Networker will now drop 10 Tumblr backlinks to your tier 1 site.

Repeat this process for the other tier 1 web 2.0 sites within the link wheel.

Make sure all the sites get 10 high PA Tumblr backlinks, that will be more than enough to get things moving, especially for easy to rank keyword.

That’s it, you now have a super powerful link wheel on tier 1 powered up with some dirty tier 2 rank juice. You can drop this link wheel into month 2 of my powerful web 2.0 backlinks strategy.

This is a great way to rank any website, or get a page moving up the SERPs again.

You can create the web 2.0 link wheel with FCS Networker software, I am going to show you how to do that right now.

SEO Link Wheel Software

If you have FCS Networker you can use it to build the tier 1 web 2.0 link wheel for you on complete auto pilot.

I will go through this step by step for you right now, you can also take a look at this video to get the job done also.

First of all you will need to load your web 2.0 accounts into the software.

FCS Networker even has a built in account creator option, so you don’t even have to do that manually these days.

You can have the software set up the web 2.0 accounts for you.

For this tutorial I am going to assume you have the web 2.0 accounts set and ready to roll, so lets get them loaded into the software and ready to post to onto.

Import Accounts For Link Wheel

First lets import your web 2.0 accounts into the software. Click on “Accounts” and then “Blog Accounts” and then select “Import Bulk Accounts”.

Add Web 2 Accounts

Now add your 5 web 2.0 accounts into the software that you are going to use in the link wheel.

You need to enter them in this format:


Pop them into a category and hit the “Add Accounts” button.

Add Link Wheel Link Sets

Before you start your link wheel project you are going to need to set up a link set for your money site. Select the “Link Sets” option and then hit the “Add Link Set” button.

Add Your Money Site Anchors

Go ahead and add your money site URL and main anchors. Drop the 5 anchors in there that you want to be used on each of the 5 web 2s in the link wheel.

Then scroll down and hit the “Add Links” button. Now you are ready to create the link wheel with the software.

Create Link Wheel Project

Click on “Create Projects” then “Create Blog Projects” and then give it a name.

Now scroll down to the link wheel section.

Select Link Wheel Option

Select the “Link Wheel” radio tab.

When you click the “Target Links” tab you can select the link set that you set up earlier, this will be the link to your money site.

Then you need to select the “Link Wheel Anchors” button, this is the 5 anchors you are going to use that link one web 2.0 blog to the other.

You can also select the “Authority Links” tab to get some links into your articles from authority sites within your niche.

Make sure you set the “Target Links Per Article” from 1 to 1.

Add Your Web 2 Accounts For Link Wheel

Select the “Accounts” tab and then click the “Add Accounts” button. Now select the 2 web 2.0 accounts that you are using in the link wheel.

Add Content For The Link Wheel

Now select the “Articles” tab and go ahead and get your content loaded into the software. You can Auto-Gen the content or upload your own articles, the choice is yours.

Now scroll down to add images and videos to your post.

Add Images and Videos Into The Link Wheel

Select the Images/Videos tab and select the options to add images and videos into your posts. You can use your own images and videos, or have the software get them for you.

Then hit the “Save Project” put and let the software build the web 2.0 link wheel for you on complete auto pilot.

I will log the rank results here for you all to see the effects of the link wheel. If I need to power it up I will add more tier 2 backlinks further down the line.

As it stands this will be enough to get me ranking high for such a easy keyword.

Link Wheel Service

I should also mention that we have a seo link wheel service right here in the Rankers Paradise store, or you can go ahead and get it done on seo clerks too here.

Web 2 Link Wheel Strategy Done For You

Ranking Results

Post published: 09/04/2017

I indexed the post right away using Google console.

Then I indexed all 5 tier 1 backlinks on the same day, the day the post was published on the 09/04/2017.

I will index the tier 2 backlinks over the next few weeks.

Rank Check on 09/04/2017 the day the post was published.

Google rank check on day 1

So the day the post is published I have a Google.com and Google.co.uk rank 5.

That’s how powerful these seo link wheels can be.

Yes it’s an easy keyword, but this is what can be achieved on day 1.

That is how to get a first page Google ranking real fast in just 1 day.

When I index the tier 2 backlinks over the next few weeks the site will hit Google rank 1.

Rank Check: 18/05/2017

This page is now ranked top for it’s selected keyword.

In less than 39 days I have achieved a top Google ranking on Google.com and Google.co.uk.

That’s the power of 5 web 2 sites in a link wheel formation.

Link Wheel Rank Check 18 May 2017

Remember you can get this exact ranking strategy done for you right here in the Rankers Paradise SEO Store.

Of course you can do it all yourself for free 🙂

245 thoughts on “Web 2.0 Link Wheel Tutorial”

  1. No disrespect, but you’ve ranked for a keyword with 0 Monthly Searches and very very low competition ( 1 forum + 1 youtube video ).

    I can’t see the power of link wheel ..

    • The keyword does have some monthly search volume even though it is low it is highly targeted for my content. That is why I focused on other keywords too in this post, it’s not just ranking for one keyword and this post is bringing in a nice amount of traffic and proves that the link wheel works. I needed a “link wheel” keyword for the post, that was the best available to prove that the strategy works. This tutorial proves that it works on low competition keywords with very little work involved…..great little strategy for some easy top ranks and easy picking traffic.

      That is the power of the link wheel, I show my results….it gave me a top rank in around 30 days, nothing to hide here. Everyone can check the keyword, I show my ranking results, you can copy or leave it alone…..if you find a low seo competition keyword with some decent search volume then you are laughing.

  2. Hi nick, I’ve tried your strategy and still no results after almost a month, but I believe it’s very fresh. Anyway I wish to know how can I rank multiple articles of my website using this strategy, I mean should I scrape for new tier 2 tumblrs and point to new articles? should I crete new tier 1 sites with the keyword I’d like to rank? Re-use the same tier 2 with new texts pointing to tier 1 new texts? How long should I wait before spawn new texts in my tier 1?

    Just a heads up – Kinja is now putting this meta tag: (META NAME=”ROBOTS” CONTENT=”NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW”) to avoid new sites to be indexed, figured this out the worst way.

    • Drop some more backlinks on tier 2….every project will be different because people use different Tumblrs on tier 2…..for my project for this page my tumblrs were of reasonable quality…nothing special but all had backlinks pointing to them. To use this strategy for other pages on your site simply use different web 2 platforms on tier 1….also use different sub domain tumblrs on tier 2. Don’t use the same Tumblrs and Tier 1 blogs as before.

      Yeah I don’t use Kinja anymore on tier 1, they are impossible to index….thanks for the heads up 🙂

    • Doesn’t matter, the link to your money site is on the Tier 1 homepage and post page….any will do. I usually fire Tier 2 backlinks to the post page.

  3. Hi Nick,

    For Tier 3, what type of links & anchor text are best?

    I mean Links are URL shortner’s or Tier 2 direct links.

    Can we use exact match anchors for all url’s or variations?

    • You can pretty much do what you want on tier 3, go for exact match and long tail exact match anchors. Many of the links will not index anyway.

  4. Hi Nick .
    Please clarify me one thing. If I have e-commerce site with large number of products would it be better to create Web 2.0 Link Wheel for home page (main page) with Brand name in URLs and direct all backlinks from Web 2.0 sites to this page. Then with internal linking ещ spread this backlink juice to all product pages.
    It is so time-cosuming to make Web 2.0 Weels for all product pages and no one can use again the Weel created for Sony to make new posts for backlinks for Samsung because of Sony in URLs.

    • Hi Vlad, Get yourself a blog on your ecommerce site and do a post focused around one decent buyer keyword with links to your product pages. Then drop a web 2 link wheel to your blog post, rank the blog post….get the traffic flowing into your site that way. You don’t need to do a link wheel to all your product pages.

  5. I’m just starting to learn SEO by myself and man this site is just awesome. Nick you are like the king of the SEO world.
    Just wanted to Thank You for all these free gems you are giving us.

    • Thanks for the kind words Kawsar, let me know how you get on and drop don’t be afraid to drop me an email if you need any help at all.

  6. Hi Nick.
    I am interested in ordering this gig from yu.
    But just wanna clarify .
    Don’t you think by liNking up all tier1 is too obvious a footprint since every tier 1 post is also liNking to the money post?
    Also tier 1 aren’t orphan pages because you will have some high pa tumbler (expired with lots of backlinks) pointing to each tier 1.
    What’s your thoughts?
    I mean does it really make a BIG difference in linking up the tier 1 and Not?
    I still feel like it’s kinda obvious for a strong footprint to Google and if one tier 1 got caught whole link wheel will be destroyed and worst still money post will take a slap as well.
    Kinda confused because there are other Seo guys using web2.0 mentioned Never link up your tier 1 and even tier,2.
    The reason is if anything happens,
    We can just remove that particular liNk from a particular web 2.0 without affecting the Whole tiered link building strategy.
    And also wondering how sustainable is this gig when another Google update rolled out.
    Sorry but as a consumer we definitely have our concerns coz it’s not the 50 bucks but the overall ranking performance and worst still being penalized.
    Thank you Nick

    • It’s not a footprint when you also link out the other related posts in your niche. It looks like your content is more beneficial than the others. That’s correct, the links on tier 2 ensure they are not orphaned pages. I like to make sure each web 2 site has as many niche relevant contextual backlinks as possible, this strategy does work and the ranking sticks too….if there was a footprint by linking up the tier 1 web 2s the ranking would not last.

      You don’t have to link up tier 1, it’s an extra link and it helps index them. If you link out to other high DA sites in your niche within each post it hides it a little and is not as blatant.

      Many other seo guys don’t show their results to prove that it works. I use this strategy all the time, it’s how i ranked this post number 1. Don’t ever link up your PBN sites, that will be very dangerous. It’s different with web 2 sites, test it out for yourself, if you have any concerns then don’t link up tier 1, it’s not a problem.

      I have not had any sites penalized using this strategy, and I do understand your concerns. You do get the login details to the tier 1 web 2 sites, which means you can remove all the links if you want to. My ranking always stick when I use this strategy, it works really well on the right keywords.

      Like I showed with this post, just these 5 links can get you a top rank fast.

  7. Hi Nick,

    I love your tutorials and advice.

    I have an issue and hope that you might offer some suggestions…..I’ve a niche I am working in that is kinda popular on Pinterest (women’s fashion in a narrow niche).

    I am working on a Pinterest strategy to bring in traffic which I am honing SLOWLY!

    Here is my problem…..there are hardly any keywords to target for the niche!


    This leaves me struggling with content.

    I optimise <—-(UK lol) images and they tend to appear in the image section of the serp's which is cool, but I would also like to get some 'additional' content into normal serp's.

    I working with Amazon as an associate and do pretty good ATM, but am always aware that the ban hammer can fall at any moment (Gulp) so am using the Pinterest account to drive traffic to initially Aliexpress and if successful then drive specific traffic to drop shipping offers.

    So, long story short, can you offer any ideas to develop content for this

    • Hi Sara, the “women’s fashion” niche has some great keywords available. I did a quick search on Long Tail Pro for you and found “plus size clothing” and “cheap dresses” look promising and worth looking into further…..good search volume and low seo competition score.

      I suggest looking into those areas and also looking into driving traffic from Instagram. If you need any help just let me know 🙂

  8. Hello Nick,

    How are you?

    I had a quick question, with your 301 redirect strategy can you setup multiple WordPress which target different keywords but point to the same homepage?


  9. Hi nick,

    I use your strategies and I got second spot in page one, thanks for sharing. I want to know that it is necessary to index all tier 2 tumblrs posts individuality because post also get juice from homepage and if yes then how many posts should be index each day and is there any other fast way to index except google console.

    • No problem Atif, glad I could be of help to you. Just let Google bot find your tier 2 backlinks naturally, if your Tumblr homepage is indexed your post pages will index on their own. You can index as many Tier 2 backlinks per day as you need to, backlinks from social sites like Facebook and Twitter will get your links indexed too.

  10. Hey Nick, one quick question.. Created a new website, added handwritten unique content to it, added products and created the ranking post. Added social signals to it and 5 tumblrs and weebly. That was like months ago. My rankings are still not shown even on the last page on google, do you know what is the problem? All of the weebly and tumblrs were already indexed.

    • Hi Kire, you need to keep the backlinks flowing at a steady rate. Without taking a look at your site and keywords I can’t be exact. If you went hard on exact match anchors then that could be the problem. It could be one of many things.

  11. Hello Nick
    Thank you so much for helping all of us . Why dont you open a facebook group so that we share our experience how this ranking strategy is working. If you dont have time then let me know I will open the group for u and invite others from here ha ha …… 🙂

    • That’s a really good idea Mohammad and is something I will look into when I get time. I set up the forum here on Rankers for everyone to share their ranking stored using these strategies.

  12. Thanks Nick for your prompt reply.

    I have built many backlinks to my website before. Now keywords appearing on 2-3 page due to google dance.

    Once I place order here or at SEOCLERK for web 2.0 link wheel, should I stop link building for my website? Should I wait for ordered backlinks getting indexed?

    What is strategy after placing web 2.0 link wheel order?

    • Yes most definitely stop building any more backlinks if you order the link wheel service from us, the link wheel will be enough alone to push ranks for you. When the order is complete make sure you index the links slowly, if you really want to add more links add more tiers, stay away from doing any more tier 1 backlinks.

      After the link wheel is complete, index the links slowly over 30 days, then do a rank check. If you are at the top you will find backlinks will come naturally from then on and you will not need to build anymore. If you do not hit the top you can either boost the link wheel with tier 2 and tier 3 backlinks with high PA Tumblrs, or hit your page with 15 high PA Tumblrs and index them slowly….that does the trick for most keywords for me 🙂

  13. Hi Nick,

    I am making many pages simultaneously on my money site, and i am following your ranking strategy for all the pages at the same time.

    Here my question is how many links should i index for each page, as all the pages are on single domain.

    For example i have a domain abc.com
    and my pages are
    At the same time i am making the links for all three pages, but i am worried about indexing safe indexing quantity.

    • Hi John,

      You can index 1 to 3 backlink URLs per post per site each day, it’s better if you index less backlinks daily spread out over a longer period….a steady flow of backlinks is good these days. So you can index 9 or even more backlinks per site per day as long as they point to different pages on the site. Just remember to keep a steady flow and you will be set to rank up over a day period.

        • That’s the way to do it, don’t be tempted to do any more tier 1 backlinks if you see a rank drop or no movement at all…this is normal….just wait it out….index them slow and you will see a rank rise eventually….if you can’t wait to drop more backlinks get them on tier 2 and 3 for an extra boost.

    • I can do that for you, if you are going down that avenue you are going to have to focus on building your brand….lots of brand anchors….you will need a good brand domain name that is unique. That will get you started, then pick out easy keywords across a wide range of niches and set out ranking each post page using the techniques on this site, for internal links you will need to set up categories on your site and link them up when they are related.

      • This is where I get confused everytime. (The internal linking part) should I build links to homepage or post pages? You said lots of brand anchors, should these brand anchors be on the homepage or on the post pages?

        For categories aspect can you give me an example, like if I interlink Rice or beans? Thanks for reply and help needed. If I have PC game category, and mobile game category, should I interlink between the 2 or I should interlink on posts in mobile game online and also interlink between posts in PC games separately.

        • On this site all internal links go between my post pages, no links go to my homepage. Brand anchors from external backlinks will go to your homepage and your post pages….need to be spread right across your site.

          Example of categories, for this site…on the top level I would have “Backlinks”….then within that category I would have “Web 2.0 backlinks”, “PBN Backlinks”, “Edu Backlinks” etc.

          Only interlink pages if it will help the reader, if it is context with what you are writing and you feel the reader will find it useful or interesting then drop it in there.

          • Nick, as you said such kind of website needs a lot of brand anchors, but what’s the ratio for it? The same as your perfect anchor text ratio post shown?

  14. We should have known this website was setted up for business purpose other than the said seo purpose. No. Updates anymore, no response.

    • Every single seo strategy featured in the store is explained on the site, you can do all of this by yourself for free. The services were added to help you out, you don’t have to buy the services, you can follow my tutorials and guides for free.

    • hi the services are there to help people who dont understand how to do it themselves 🙂 so what is your problem harsh?? im sure you wouldnt build a website and give away everything on it free would you?? nick gives alot of free advice on here to help people and is the most caring man on earth and helps every single person on here so please enough of the smart comments or you will not be allowed to post no more on the site

      have a good day


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