Tiered Link Building Strategy To Rank Multiple URLs and Keywords

Tiered Link BuildingToday I am going to show you a tiered link building strategy to rank multiple URLs and keywords on the same site.

Many people do not want to rank lots of pages on the same site using many different backlink strategies, because it is very time consuming.

This strategy is going to fire backlinks at 3 URLs on your money site and rank you up for 5 keywords per url.

So you are going to rank up for a whopping 15 keywords.

This is going to boost the traffic to your website big style.

The strategy takes a little time and effort, but the results are well worth it.

The strategy is available to buy in the Rankers Paradise seo store, right here.

You can go ahead and do the strategy yourself, I will show you exactly what is required below.

It’s a slightly more advanced strategy than you normally see here on rankers and you are going to require some software to complete all the tasks.

This is why we have made it available in the store.

If you want a basic strategy that you can do without software take a look at my web 2.0 backlinks post here.

Okay let’s get started.

Tiered Link Building Strategy

The strategy is split up into three tiers.

Just to complicate things a little more I have split each tier into levels.

The image below should make it a little clearer at what we are going to achieve here.

Quality Backlinks Ranking Strategy

So here is the break down:

Tier 1 (LEVEL ONE)

  • Web 2.0 property (5 pages)
  • Web 2.0 property (5 pages)
  • Web 2.0 property (1 page)

Tier 1 (LEVEL TWO)

  • Web 2.0 property (5 pages)

You get login details to all Tier 1 web 2.0 properties if you buy the service from our seo store.

Tier 2 (LEVEL ONE)

These backlinks point to all Tier 1 (level one) properties.

  • 60 high PA Web 2.0 backlinks
  • Over 3000 Wiki and Profile backlinks

Tier 2 (LEVEL TWO)

These backlinks point to all Tier 1 (level two) properties.

  • Over 60 social signals and bookmarks
  • Over 1000 contextual article backlinks

Tier 3

These backlinks point to all Tier 2 (level 1) backlinks, which is the 60 high PA web 2.0 backlinks.

  • Over 2000 social bookmark and profile backlinks

That’s the strategy explained, let’s crack on and build those backlinks.

So basically, you end up with something like this:

Three Tier Backlink Strategy

All that lovely rank juice flows down to your money site and you rank up 3 urls all in one go for multiple keywords.

Great way to rank many urls on one site all at the same time.

To buy our link building services for one URL follow the link provided.

If you are new to tiered link building and need more details take a look at the video below, it will help you before you get started with this strategy.

Tier 1 (LEVEL ONE) Backlinks

So tier 1 (level one) has 3 web 2.o properties.

Two of the web 2.0 sites have 5 pages on them, the last site has just one page.

The three web 2.0 platforms we are going to use are:

  1. wix.com
  2. sitey.me
  3. jigsy.com

Head on over to those three sites and set up a free account.

Make sure you have your main keyword in the sub domain url.

On Wix and Sitey you need to add five posts.

On Jigsy you just need to add one post.

Each post must link out to an authority site on your subject (ensure you do not link to a competitor for your selected keyword.

Some examples of authority sites to link out to include:

  • Huffington Post
  • Wiki How
  • Wikipedia
  • Pinterest

I think you get the idea.

The authority link should always be at the bottom of each post.

Now you can add the backlinks to your website from each post.

Each post will have 4 backlinks, 3 will go to your website and of course the 1 to the authority site.

So here is how you are going to link out on your web 2.0 properties:


  • Post 1: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the first of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 2: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the second of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 3: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the third of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 4: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the forth of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 5: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the fifth of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.

The exact same applies to the next web 2.0 property, as outlined below.


  • Post 1: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the first of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 2: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the second of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 3: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the third of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 4: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the forth of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 5: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the fifth of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.


Just one post on this site.

The post will link to all three urls on your website using one of your five keywords for the anchor text.

Also, ensure you drop a link to an authority site too.

Tier 1 (LEVEL TWO) Backlinks

On level two of tier 1 we have another web 2.0 property.

For this we are going to use:

  1. my-free.website

You can use any web 2.0 properties you want.

These are the ones I use when deploying this strategy on my websites.

Remember, this strategy works on all keywords, from easy right through to hard ones.

The last web 2.0 property is going to have 5 posts on it as follows:


  • Post 1: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the first of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 2: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the second of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 3: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the third of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 4: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the forth of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.
  • Post 5: 3 links to your 3 website urls using the fifth of your 5 keywords for each url as anchors.

Right, so that’s tier 1 complete.

You should now have 4 web 2.0 properties with 16 posts spread between them.

Tier 2 (LEVEL ONE) Backlinks

I will now explain how I have split this tiered strategy into levels.

The tiered 1 level one sites will all receive backlinks from tiered 2 level one sites.

The tired 1 level two sites will all receive backlinks from tiered 2 level two sites.

The tier 3 sites all link to level one tier two sites.

Hope that makes sense to you all.

Now I will show you how to get the rest of the backlinks in place and the software you will require to get them with.

60 High PA Web 2.0 Backlinks

I use FCS Networker to get these backlinks in place.

For a full run down on how to use this software go here.

I put high PA/DA web 2.0 properties in the software (mostly Tumblrs) and use all these blogs to backlink to my tier 1 sites.

For anchors use exact match and long tail exact match variations.

To get long tail exact match variations head on over to keyword shitter.

Drop your main keyword in there and hit the start button.

Copy and paste the list into fcs networker to use as long tail anchors.


The 60 web 2.0 backlinks link to all tier 1 level one properties.

Examples of properties you can use on this tier include:

  • Tumblr
  • Weebly
  • Strikingly
  • Beep
  • WordPress

Basically, just hit the site with as many web 2.0 backlinks as your want.

For a list of more web 2.0 platforms take a look at my free backlinks post here.

3000 Wiki and Profile Backlinks

Now the 3000 wiki and profile links are done with gsa software.

The same process applies here for the anchors as with the 60 high PA web 2.0 backlinks.

Use exact match and long tail anchors.

All these backlinks link to the tier 1 level one web 2.0 properties (wix, sitey and jigsy).

Examples of properties you can use for backlinks on this tier include:

  • wiki.mrmoseley.co.uk
  • cyberplusindia.com
  • wikiprofile.org
  • apbb.de
  • pek-sem.com
  • gilissen.me

Tier 2 (LEVEL TWO) Backlinks

Now we hit the final tier 1 web 2.0 property with backlinks (my-free.website).

Same again, use exact match and long tail exact match anchors.

60 Social Signals and Bookmarks Backlinks

You can use Magic Submitter or even Money Robot to get these backlinks in place.

To see how to use the Money Robot software go here.

Examples of properties you can get these backlinks from include:

  • facebook.com
  • twitter.com
  • diigo.com
  • tagpacker.com
  • papaly.com
  • plus.google.com
  • raindrop.io
  • thinkery.me
  • evernote.com

1000 Contextual Article Backlinks

Again, use exact match and long tail exact match anchors.

If you are unsure what I mean by this take a look at my perfect anchors text ratio post here.

To get these backlinks I use a mix of GSA, Money Robot and FCS Networker software.

Here are some sites you can get contextual backlinks from to use on this tier:

  • shuuka.com
  • witwebcoder.com
  • teamconasauga.org
  • ginim.com
  • webaccess.co.id
  • riseup.net

You can drop articles with backlinks on sites like these.

Absolutely perfect for tier 2 backlinks.

That’s all the tier 2 backlinks completely taken care of.

Tier 3 Backlinks

Now we are onto the final tier of the tiered link building strategy.

You can add more tiers if you wish to do so, I find three is enough (even for hard keywords).

There is a hell of a lot of backlinks on tier 2, we do not need to link to them all from this final tier.

All we really need to do now is power up the 60 tier 2 web 2.0 properties.

We will fire all the tier 3 backlinks to the post page of the web 2.0 properties, not the homepage.

For the final tier we are going to use low quality social bookmark and profile backlinks.

2000 Social Bookmark and Profile Backlinks

All of these backlinks link to the post pages of our 60 web 2.0 tier 2 properties.

Being bookmark and profile backlinks the anchors will mostly be URLs.

However you can use exact match and long tail exact match anchors wherever possible.

To get these backlinks I use GSA.

You can get these kind of backlinks from site like:

  • html5gameslabs.com
  • freeonlinecricketgames.net
  • secretgirlgames.com
  • letsgofamily.com.br
  • minecraftsgamesplay.com
  • eindore.com
  • gameshill.net

All the lovely rank juice will flow down to your website.

The strategy will work on any keyword out there.

You will see top rankings for easy low competition keywords within weeks.

It really is worth putting some time into it, the results are worth it.

That’s it, remember to do all tier 1 manual.

You can use spun content on tier 1, but make sure it is readable and unique.

This tiered link building strategy is available to buy in our seo store, and works for any keyword.

132 thoughts on “Tiered Link Building Strategy To Rank Multiple URLs and Keywords”

  1. Hi Nick,

    I had a question about profile links and web 2.0. I am talking about fresh accounts. Not expired web 2.0.

    Can we use profile links and web 2.0 over and over again to rank different URLs on same site. For example can we use 30 high pr backlinks gig over and over again on different URLs on same site.

    It will bring results without diminishing the link juice and google also would have some sort of filters who use same sites to trick an algorithm to rank multiple URLs on same site otherwise there would be tons of spam in search results because we are using the same 30 high pr sites to rank different URLs on same site over and over.

    I know we would require other links as well but it’s safe to use these links over and over. Right.

    Look forward to your reply.

    • Yes, you can use the same web 2 blogs/platforms to rank different pages on your site. I have used the same platforms over and over again and never had any sites penalized and always got good ranking results. Don’t worry about it, get the links in place, they will not harm your site. Make sure the content is hand written on profiles each time and you are set to go.

    • This depends on the competition, take a look at the top-ranked sites. How many backlinks do they have? Sites ranked top with 5 to 10 backlinks
      will require one run, this depends if all the links get indexed, sometimes two runs.

      • Thanks 🙂 Would it be possible to use this strategy to rank in the top 5 for keywords that have authority sites, like wikipedia and .gov sites, in the top 10? These wikipedia and .gov have loads of backlinks pointing to them, like 2k minimum. Example: “olympic national park”. It has a search volume of 90k. Im just trying to gauge what type of “hard” keywords this strategy is good for, like you mentioned in this article 🙂

        • That would be difficult with this strategy alone, however, if you have really good content then you can make it happen with less links like these as I have done recently with a few sites of mine. I did write just over 25,000 words, but it did the trick. First and foremost, write good content and get it indexed. If it drops on page 2 or even bottom of page 1 without links, then these links will push it top…..of course it also depends on some other factors like bounce rates, scroll depth, time on page etc which means your content has to be good and the site has to load fast, try and push visitors through your site with clear call to action buttons.

  2. Hi Nick,

    Lovely post and I think we all need to thank you for this.

    Nick I read this post a few times and many things got clear when I read it again and again.
    But still I thought ill ask you this simple question please don’t get angry or laugh 🙂

    Tier 1 (is all clear) i will make these 16 posts as you said.
    But i tried all the software you mentioned in the post and comments but either they are not anymore in use or trials or i cant get my head around them.

    So, i was thinking that imagine if i have to rank 1 keyword i will do the needful tier one but insted of 5 i will do 1 each domain

    Now is it possible if i make a few tumblers myself manually (rather then 60 because thats too much manual work) and link them as you said

    what do i have to do for tier 2 and tier 3 where there is a software involvment and blasting of thousands of links can i just do another web2.0 links only from different accounts on same domain.

    so basically all my tier links will be web 2.0 and 1 will take from 2 and 2 from 3

    please answer me i am stuck and need help badly.

    • I am happy to answer any questions and will never get angry or laugh. That’s fine to do one post on each Tier 1 web 2 sites. Doing less Tumblrs is okay, doing them manual is even better, with less chance of them dropping. If you do not have the software just use manual web 2 blogs, use a blogger site to get them indexed and you will rank up.

      • I was not so happy when I got my salary as much as i am right now seeing your reply. THANK YOU for replying and helping first.

        Secondly, so in simpler word you are saying that I do Tier 1 (1post) and do Tier 2 (blogger etc) and again Tier 3 (web 2.0 alottt) even if i dont do these social signals, bookmark in bulk its ok no issues I can rank for any keyword

        Now im greedy and have one more question.

        My website domain is ok but the internal pages are not so after reading this post i am now linking (from web2.0) to my internal pages just to make sure the juice and authority is across the board because my competitors are having good pa da.
        i am doing the right thing Nick please tell me 🙂

        last question please – some of my keywords have gone down (simply as i mentioned the other websites are strong in pa da) so if i start with the web 2.0 hopefully i will regain my position back right because i have been there once ( i heaed google will respect that). lol

        • Yes, that’s correct. It is a good idea to spread the links to your internal pages too, you can use the same web 2 blogs for this. If you get the links in place your rankings will go back up, make sure you mix up your anchor text.

  3. Thanks for your valuable content,
    I would like to know which strategy is better this one or link wheel, and what the optimal size of a link wheel, thanks again

    • If you have many URLs then go with this strategy, if you are looking to rank one URL only go with the link wheel. Low competition keywords will rank with a 5 to 10 site link wheel, medium to hard will require 10 to 20+ site link wheel hit with tier 2 links to make sure they index.

  4. Thanks for sharing valuable content. now I clear concept of tiered link building and second tiered link building. thanks keep posting.

  5. Hi! Nick, You are best seo expert who I have ever seen. Your post is very useful and intelligent,
    I have one question.
    Should I have 60 high PA web2.0 in Tier 2 level one. Is it possible less numbers of PA web 2.0 than 50?
    There are many questions for me
    1. in Tier 1 can I use many free blog sites than 3, such as wix, jimdo, yola, livejournal…?
    2. in Tier 2, can I use comments, guest posts, medium post, free blog post?
    3. in Tier 1, can I increase the numbers of posts than 5 in level 1 and 2?

    • Hi Kalen, thank you for the kind words 🙂 It is okay to have the Tumblrs with a PA lower than 50, that’s not a problem. Make sure the homepage of the Tumblr is indexed.

      1. Yes, use different web 2.0 platforms, some web 2’s have problems indexing and are therefore a waste of time. The web 2.0 sites that always index every time without fail are:


      2. You can use anything on tier 2, the best sites to use are ones that are already indexed, like leaving blog comment backlinks on sites that are in the SERP’s.

      3. Sure, you can add more posts to the web 2.0 blogs on level 1 and 2. Do as many as you need for the pages you are trying to rank up on your money website.

      • Thank you,Nick.
        I have one question.
        When I make backlinks, I work on same IP address, that is to say, on same computer, What will happen? May be google recognize the spam technique?

        • You are okay working on the same IP and same computer every time, it is what we do and we have not had any problems ever. The only thing you should do, is if you are using Chrome for your browser make sure you are not logged into your Google account as you work.

      • Is fcsnetworker can’t be used anymore? I have 1 lifetime account. But when I try to access their website. They redirect me to help desk. Is there any alternative? I really want to use fcs only for Tumblr backlinking purpose.

        • It appears FCS Networker is out of business, the site has been down for a very long time. A good FCS Networker alternative is RankWyz for multiple Web 2.0 platform posting, see my tutorial here: https://rankersparadise.com/automate-your-backlinks/ and if you only want backlinks from Tumblr sites then go for Tumbling Jazz, see my tutorial here: https://rankersparadise.com/best-backlinks-for-youtube-videos/ we use it all the time for Tumblr backlinks and it’s a one time fee of $77 (no monthly fee) and you do not need proxies, use your own IP to post to hundreds/thousands of Tumblr blogs so that they do not drop. You can even assign an IP to each blog, but it’s not required. Just buy TumblingJazz and away you go, no additional costs at all.

  6. Very detailed post, Nick. Still trying to get my head around all the different tiers. I got stuck at this stage:

    1. Tier 1, Level 1 – do all the posts need to be on the front page, or doesn’t this matter?

    2. 60 high pa web 2.0 (tier 2, level 1) pointing (tier 1, level 1) – do we link out to the home page or do we link out to the post page? and in what proportion given there are 11 posts.

  7. Another great post. Just one question.
    1. when we make a tear 1 how long should we wait to link them into the money site?

    2. Also, When to link tear 2 in to tear 1.(should I make a backlink to tear 1 right away or wait for tear 1 to index in google)?

    3. is it possible can you give a timeline for this process?

    thank you.

    • Thanks:

      1. Link them to your money site right away, they only take effect when Google knows they exist. If you link them right away they will do nothing until the other tiers are complete and the URL’s index and backlinks are discovered by Google bot.

      2. Link tier 2 to tier 1 right away, or when you are ready for the links to index. It’s good to do it right away because the links take time to index, it will happen when Google bot re-crawls the already indexed sites further down the tiers.

      3. The ranking improvement depends on when the links are discovered by Google bot, usually takes around 3 to 4 weeks to see any major ranking changes.

  8. Excellent web site you have got here.. It’s difficult to find high quality writing like yours these days. I really appreciate individuals like you! This link building strategy worked for me, thank you.

  9. hi guys ,
    quick question .. trying to implement this strategy
    does the web2.0 sites ( 5 pages ) mean 5 articles ?


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