Step by Step SEO Tutorial for Beginners

Step by Step SEO Tutorial for BeginnersHere we have a full and easy to follow step by step seo tutorial for beginners. Follow this strategy to get your website ranking number one for your selected keyword on all major search engines.

This guide will help you do search engine optimization yourself without spending a single dime to rank your website top.

The guide is a complete seo run down from start to finish including keyword research, content writing, backlink indexing and backlink building and tracking.

If you already have parts of this process complete simply skip to the section you need help with.

It’s a good idea to read through each section so that you do not miss anything important, each and every step must be applied to rank top.

If you miss anything this will be the reason you are not ranking top.

Keep in mind that keyword research is the most important step, getting this wrong will lead to all sorts of headaches in the future.

So, with that being out there you need to really knuckle down and spend a lot of time researching your desired keywords.

This step by step guide includes:

  • Keyword/Niche Research
  • Content Writing/Optimization
  • Backlink Building
  • Rank Tracking

This works for any keyword out there, including local search terms.

Step by Step SEO Tutorial for Beginners

Because this guide is for beginners I am going to use free tools only.

I want everything to be accessible to you right now without having to spend any money.

Keyword/Niche Research

This will make or break your efforts, take this part very seriously.

If you are struggling then you can let us deal with this part for you, we have a keyword research service in our store.

The best free keyword research tool is

Go ahead and sign up for a free account, this way you will get more free daily searches.

For this tutorial we are going to be looking to set up a new website, let’s say it is going to be an Amazon affiliate site.

We are looking for:

  • Low SEO Competition Score
  • Highest Possible Search Volume

Enter a seed search term and hit the search button.

Keyword ResearchAs you can see I have found a keyword with a very low seo competition score.

The next step is to hit the “Analyze SERP” button (circled red).

This will give us a whole load of useful information about the top ranking websites.

Analyze SERPs

The software reveals the following about all the top 10 ranking sites for the selected keyword:

  1. Domain Authority and Page Authority
  2. Citation Flow and Trust Flow
  3. Number of Facebook Shares
  4. Alexa Rank
  5. Number of External Backlinks (provided by Majestic)
  6. Number of Referring Domains (number of different sites that link to the site)
  7. Number of IPs (how many different IPs link to the site)

Do not let these metrics confuse you.

The process is very simple.

All we are interested in is the following:

  1. How many sites have exact keyword in TITLE and DESCRIPTION TAG
  2. How many sites have exact keyword in URL
  3. Number of backlinks from different IPs

Which is this area here:

Important META Data

Let’s look at the stats for my selected keyword.

  1. At the time of writing not one of the top 10 ranking sites have the exact search term “compare razor electric scooters” in the META data.
  2. Not one of the top 10 sites have the exact keyword in the URL.
  3. Most of the sites in the top 10 have just one backlink from one IP.

You can also look at the quality of the content on the sites, however this is not a problem, because no matter how long it is or good it is yours is going to be better.

That’s how you find an easy to rank for low seo competition keyword.

If you write some well optimized content around the keyword (which I will show you how to do later) and add the exact keyword into the META data and URL you are guaranteed to rank on the first page even without backlinks.

If you go ahead and get the few backlinks in place (which I will show you how to do this later) you are guaranteed to rank number one in the search results pages for this search term.

There is one last thing I need to mention before you go ahead with a keyword/niche project.

You need to know the value of your keyword, follow the link to the post I have already done on this.

There is a simple calculation you can do to estimate the value of your keyword.

There is no point going after a keyword that is only going to bring in $10 a month, unless that is what you are looking for.

Just 10 posts focused around easy keyword like the one above can make you $100 a month on complete autopilot.

The next step is to scale it up to $1000 a month.

It can be done, just be sure to get yourself an easy keyword like the one above and you will be making money fast.

These blog posts do not take a long time to complete, you can do one a day, the post will make you money over and over again.

Content Writing/Optimization

Before I write any content I like to take a look at the content on the top ranking site for my selected keyword.

The site is top for a reason, so let’s find out why.

There is a free tool to analyze your competitors content, it is called WebSite Auditor.

You can also use the tool to analyze your own content when complete, this will ensure it is 100% optimized for a top ranking for your selected keyword.

Analyze Competitors Content

Drop your competitors URL into the software and hit the next button.

Crawler Settings

I always go with the default crawler settings as above, then hit the finish button.

Let the software do it’s work, usually take 2 to 3 minutes to analyze the website.

In this time you can do a manual review of the top ranking sites content.

The top site for my selected keyword has thin content, very few images, does not have an informative video and is littered with Amazon affiliate links.

It is clear that some half decent content will knock the site off the top spot.

Okay, when WebSite Auditor has finished you will see this.

Word Count

We now know the content is “1,023” words in length and it has one external backlink (which we already know).

I know that 2000 words well optimized content will rank top guaranteed for this search phrase.

The next step is to use Website Auditor to discover the words/phrases we should be using in our content to get it ranking top.

Content Analysis

Click on “Content Analysis” and select the URL that is ranking top for the search term and hit the next button.

Enter Keyword for Analysis

Now enter the keyword and hit the finish button.

The software will take a few minutes to analyze the domain.

TF-IDF button

Next click on the “TF-IDF” tab (circled red).

This will give us a list of multi-word keyword phrases the top sites are using within their content, and guess what??? You are going to do the same.

Keyword Phrases in Competitors Content

The software tells us the search phrases that the search engines want us to use within our content.

You can see how often each search term is used within the content, the number of sites ranking in the top 10 that use that search term within their content and even the keyword count on the top ranking sites page.

This is very useful information.

Not only are you going to create highly optimized content around that search term, you are also going to use the multi-word keywords within your content that the big search engines are looking for.

This combined with well written META TAGS will 100% guarantee you a number one ranking.

Okay, so now you need to ensure your content is fully optimized for a number one rank.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Have exact keyword at top – first paragraph (in bold), in the middle and at the bottom – last paragraph (in italic) of your content.
  2. Ensure you have the exact keyword in one image ALT TAG. An image ALT is the text that is displayed on screen if the image does not load. To see how to add an ALT TAG to your image go here.
  3. Have the exact keyword in the URL extension.
  4. Have the exact keyword in the META data – TITLE AND DESCRIPTION TAG. For details on how to do this click here.
  5. Have the exact keyword in the H1 TAG and the H2 TAG. For details on how to do this go here.

That’s it, you are fully optimized and ready to rank top.

To check that everything is correct simply enter your URL into WebSite Auditor.

Website Page Audit

Hit the “Page Audit” tab (circled red).

This will let you know instantly if your content is fully optimized for a top ranking.

You will be able to check:

  • Keywords in TITLE TAG
  • TITLE TAG length
  • Keyword in DESCRIPTION TAG
  • Keywords in body count
  • Total word count
  • Keyword in H1
  • Keyword in H2
  • Keyword in bold font
  • Keyword in italic font
  • Keyword in IMAGE ALT

The software will check to make sure if your page has been optimized correctly as I have suggested above.

The next step is to let the search engines know you have new content available.

To do this you need to tell the search engines your content exists.

How To Index Your New Content

You must make sure that you have submitted your sitemap to Google and Bing search console/webmaster accounts.

To learn how to add your sitemap to all major search engines including Google, Bing, Yahoo and Yandex go here.

You only need to do this once, not every time you write new content.

Okay, the next step to ensure your new content is found and indexed is to share it on all social media platforms, Google Plus being the most important for obvious reasons.

I always drop a link to my new content from:

  • Google Plus
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Reddit

This always get’s my new content crawled and indexed within 24 hours guaranteed.

Now that you have an easy keyword, killer content (which is indexed) it is time to get those all important backlinks which will guarantee you a number one ranking.

Backlink Building

This step is very important, in most cases without these backlinks in place you will never rank top.

My step by step seo tutorial for beginners backlink strategy is very easy to follow and works for any site out there.

Do not skim over this section, you must apply everything as I suggest or you could well face problems further down the line.

To get started go and do at least one internal link if you can. Take a look at the other pages on your site and contextually link to your new post (if you don’t have any other pages miss this step until you have some). If that post is indexed it will also help index your new content.

To know how to do internal links take a look at this guide. Make sure you use exact match anchor text for your internal links, if you are doing more than one internal link use long tail exact match anchors too. (A long tail exact match anchor has your keyword in the anchor plus more words. So if my keyword is “compare razor electric scooters” a long tail exact match anchor would be “compare razor electric scooters right here”.

Now you have some internal links done it is time to get some external backlinks in place.

The very first step in any external link building campaign is to take a look at your competitors backlinks.

You can do this using a free piece of software called SEO SpyGlass.

You need to enter all top ten ranking sites for your keyword into the software and take note of all backlinks.

This is how it works:

Analyze Backlinks

Enter the full URL of your competitor and hit the finish button.

Backlink Report

Now in some cases you will be able to go ahead and get some of the same backlinks, they maybe from web 2.0 sites or even from free directories.

It is important here to take note of the anchor text used.

Where it says [Image] “then keyword” this is the ALT TAG text used in the image, the site is getting a backlink from the image.

It is key to note what kind of backlinks they are getting, it will be different in every single seo campaign.

In this case the top ranking sites have a lot of image backlinks, so I would make this a big part of my backlink strategy for this keyword.

Take a look at the quality of the sites that backlink to your competitors, you are going to get the same.

In this case a simple web 2.0 link wheel will rank the site top for my selected keyword in this tutorial.

You can get most backlinks for free if you choose to do them yourself.

Be sure to use the correct anchor text ratio, if you need to know what I mean by anchor text ratio take a look here.

What is Anchor Text

For low seo competition keywords you will rank number one using web 2.0 backlinks only.

For any new page it is good to start with niche blog comment backlinks, you can purchase these from our store or do them yourself as shown below.

To get niche blog comment backlinks go to your favourite search engine.

Get Niche Backlinks

Enter your “exact keyword” followed by “leave a comment” as shown above.

How to Get Niche Backlinks

Work your way through the sites leaving blog comments including a backlink to your website.

Leave a Blog Comment Reply

Make sure you leave a decent comment that will add some kind of value to the post, this will ensure it gets approved and does not remain in moderation forever.

Get Your Niche Backlink

Keep in mind that your “Name” will be the anchor text for your backlink.

When you are ready simply hit the “post comment” button.

For easy keywords you can do 15 of these per week until you hit the number one spot.

You do 15 per week because many will not get approved.

For easy keywords like the one shown here in this tutorial just a few need to be approved and the site will hit the top.

Because we know the sites are indexed where we are getting the blog comment backlinks from it will also ensure our new content gets found and indexed in the SERPs.

These backlinks are great because you do not have to index them, they are already indexed and ready to rank your site up.

There is a free piece of software that will help you get backlinks for your site called Link Assistant, to get niche blog comment backlinks using this software follow this guide.

If you go ahead and get web 2 backlinks you can use tier 2 backlinks to index your tier 1 links, the tier 2 links should be from sites that are already indexed.

To find out more about tiered link building follow the link.

Of course you can let us do all this for you and purchase one of our monthly seo packages, we will get your website ranked number 1 for you.

This strategy works for any keyword out there, even local search terms.

Be sure to get the right backlinks in place by looking at what backlinks your competitors have. This will guarantee you get a top ranking.

If you take one thing away from this tutorial it is that you understand how important keyword research is for the success of any project.

Your time is important, taking your time on keyword research will help you succeed quickly further down the seo road map.

Rank Tracking

The final part is to keep track of your seo efforts.

There is a free piece of software you can use to track your ranking, this is called Rank Tracker.

Keyword Rank Tracking

Enter your full URL into the software and hit the next button.

Connect Google Analytics

You do not need to connect any Google accounts, ignore this and hit the next button.

Keyword to Track Ranking for

Enter the keyword you want to track rankings for and hit the next button.

Add Search Engines to Track Ranking Progress

Select the search engines you want to track your keyword ranking on. Click the “Add More Search Engines” tab (circled red) to add the search engine for your location.

Then hit the finish button to get your current keyword ranking.

Search Engine Keyword Ranking

If you are not ranked number one yet you can use the same software to understand why you are not quite there yet.

To get this information do the following.

Keyword Ranking Statistics

First click the “Keyword Difficulty” tab (circled red).

Then click the “Arrows” tab (circled red).

This will get you a whole load of ranking stats for the top ranking sites for your selected keyword.

Top Ranking Factors

You can compare how your site looks against your competitors.

This will give you a clear idea of how many backlinks you require to rank top.

If you have any questions about my step by step seo tutorial for beginners leave a comment below or drop me an email any time.

23 thoughts on “Step by Step SEO Tutorial for Beginners”

  1. I appreciate you providing a lot of quality content, but I have one simple question about keyword research…
    I believe that google search results vary depending on the search intent of a user and the answers provided to their queries. Because it doesn’t always mean that it’s an easy key phrase to rank for, even if there’s no exact match keyword in the top 10 results. What do you think?

    • It depends on the search phrase, you can rank top with thin content if it’s a short answer needed. If the content is on an authority site in that niche then ranking is easy. Lots of variables at play.

    • Sure no problem, free list of web 2.0 sites:

  2. hey, nick I bought link wheel service from your store and its been one month but none of your web 2.0 links are indexed. I even bought High PR Tumblr links same case none of them indexed but your store claims that links re already index? Now I am very doubtful to buy your services

    • We index links on request, because we do not know the rate you want us to index them at, or if you want us to index them at all. Same with the post pages on the Tumblrs, we will index upon request. Just checked some of the Tumblrs in our network and the first 5 I checked are all indexed, the home pages are indexed, which is where your backlink and content sits too 🙂 Any questions please let us know here or send us an email. Give us your order number, let us know how often you want us to index the links and we will do that for you.

  3. Hlw nick sir, from past few days i am facing a big issue. Many tumblrs has gone deindex but all of them was index before. Al tumblr article was handmade manual spun. How to solve this problem? Also now a days indexing is pretty tough. Can you recommend any good service or any solutions.

    • They have been deindexed because the content is poor or the backlinks are not good. The fastest way to get sites indexed is to add the site and site map to a Google Webmaster account. Of course if you want to index backlinks this way you are going to require a lot of Google webmaster accounts. The other way is simple, first drop the URLs into Google search box and hit search. Then drop the URLs on Google Plus. You must make sure the content is readable.

  4. Hi, Nick.
    From few months I am using tiered link building strategy for one of my website, it was working fine for low competition keywords..but from past few months tumblr blog posts are not getting indexed at all..I am using fcsnetworker to post the articles and used seo content machine for generating content.
    I tried to index using social signals, blogspot posts and onehour indexer etc ..but none of them working.
    Can you please let me know how to index these tumblr blog post. thanks.

  5. Amazing content as usual, but I have one simple question about keyword research …
    according to my knowledge, google search results depends on the user search intent and query solving. so, the lack of exact match keyword in the first 10 results doesn’t always mean that it’s an easy keyword to rank for .. is it right?

    • yes that is correct, it really does all come down to your keyword selection….does it require a simple short answer? does it require extensive information eg review keywords? It helps not to have the exact search term in the META DATA but you should always do a manual review of the SERPs, take a look at the content and ensure you can solve the problem better somehow…add more value and you will rank top 100% guaranteed with the right backlinks in place too.

  6. Hi Nick,
    I have been following your blog since 2017. All your articles are really great.
    I have some questions regarding Web 2.0 Link building. I will be glad to hear something from you.
    01. While building web 2.0 blogs, is it necessary to use a VPN software to hide identity?
    02. I have more than 50 Gmail Accounts. All are created and running from my PC (No VPN used). Can I use these Gmails to create blogspot blogs (without using any VPN software)? Is there any footprint risk?
    03. Last few days, I am having huge problem on indexing Web 2.0 blogs. I tried several ways, like – posting urls on blogspot, social sharing, tire 2 link building. But none of these working. Would you suggest me any other way?

    Thanks in Advance.

    • 1. I never use VPN and do not have any problems.
      2. Yes you can use the sites, think of it as promoting your content, you will only get a problem if you use the wrong anchors.
      3. yes, drop one blog comment backlink from a blog that is indexed, Weebly blogs usually do not need comments to be approved. However, they will not index if your content is not good enough…..change your content generator or hand write short content but at least it will be unique and try to give some small value…answer a questions….solve a small problem that requires a short answer and they will index guaranteed.

  7. Hi Nick
    Amazing post once again! Thanks for sharing
    Can you please tell me how much efforts need to get this keyword rank in 1st page in Google Singapore
    “Restaurant Management Software” Keyword difficulty shows – Still Easy


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