8 Proven Link Building for Ecommerce Strategies to Increase Sales

8 Link Building for Ecommerce strategies that will boost Google rankings quickly and increase sales in as little as a few hours from now.

To get the most out of search engine optimisation for an online store, concentrate on raising the rankings of category, product, or brand pages.

While e-commerce sites as a whole have conversion rates of 2% to 5%, individual product pages may see conversion rates of 40% or higher (on average around 7% ).

However, many in-house SEOs find that acquiring backlinks straight to these sites is time-consuming.

Successful link-building strategies for modern e-commerce firms are discussed here.

1. Link Building for Ecommerce – Problems and approaches

Increasing sales on an online store may be as simple as increasing visits to the category, brand, and product pages.

However, getting high-quality media to link to these sites is difficult since they often focus on linking to informative material.

It takes months for blogs and content hubs to rank, and they seldom result in direct sales, therefore many ecommerce firms don’t bother creating such material.

Furthermore, affiliate sites with strong link profiles to long-form content often outrank well-known companies.

However, SEOs have figured out methods to get over typical issues with link development for online stores.

  • E-commerce internal linking and content-led external linking will help drive traffic to your product pages. This is significant because long-form material attracts up to 70 percent more links than does shorter content.
  • Guest writing, podcasting, public relations, and webinars may be used to build connections to your homepage or profile picture. You may usually negotiate a link to your site’s homepage as well as a link to your website-hosted headshot with the host of the site or podcast.
  • Paying for links is as widespread as it has ever been, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that Google frowns upon this practise due to the potential for spamming search results.
  • Create a database of contacts at publishing houses and keep it updated. The average response rate for cold email marketing is around 10%, so reaching out via a known contact is far more efficient.
  • Look for unlinked brand references in material that has been created about your company or the products you offer.

Let’s go further into these methods of e-commerce link creation.

2. Brand mentions where no backlink has been placed

If your company’s name, products, or team members are mentioned in an existing article or website, but there is no active backlink directing readers to your site, this is known as an unlinked brand mention. These methods are effective in securing references to the main menu or the brand’s website.

Google Alerts and Ahrefs may be used to identify unlinked brand mentions.

Have Google Alerts Working for you

To get started, create Google Alerts for your brand name and any variants of it that you can think of. If you set up this alert, you’ll get an email everytime your brand is referenced anywhere online.

Then, you can see whether there is a clickable link to your site in the mention, and if not, you can contact the site owner and ask for one.

Use a tool like Ahrefs

In order to track down unlinked mentions of your brand or the brands you offer, you may use Ahrefs’ Content Explorer.

Just do what I say:

  • Go to “Content Explorer” in the main menu of your Ahrefs account.
  • Search for your company’s name and hit the enter key.
  • Use the filter “One article per domain” to get rid of duplicates from the same source.
  • Get a copy of all the press coverage that has mentioned your company.
  • Verify that each item in the exported list is linked to your website by going through it one by one. Searching for your brand name using the “Find” feature of your browser (Ctrl + F or Command + F) will allow you to see whether it is related.

Using Ahrefs’ Batch Analysis feature, you may learn more about each website in your list of URLs containing unlinked brand mentions.

Using this information, you can quickly choose which sites to approach first about possible link-building partnerships.

  • To access Batch Analysis, choose “More” from Ahrefs’ main menu.
  • Select “Start Analysis” after pasting the list of URLs that include unlinked brand references.
  • Domain Rating (DR), Ahrefs Rank (AR), and the total number of referring domains are just some of the metrics that may be seen once the study has been completed. Measurements like these might help you decide which sites to approach first when looking for places to place links.

3. Find sites using your product images without a link back/credit

This is an easy way to increase Link Building for Ecommerce.

Finding other websites that are utilising your photos without permission or a link is called “reverse image link building.”

It takes a little of time and effort to find photographs that lack correct attribution.

Find the source of your pictures.

Use only one-of-a-kind graphics, drawings, or pictures in place of stock photos on your website.

Do a search backwards using a picture

Find websites that have utilised your photographs by doing a reverse image search using a tool like Google photographs or TinEye.

Examine the data.

Verify that each website on the list has properly credited you and linked to your page.

Acquire Addresses and Phone Numbers

Look for email addresses or contact forms on each site to get in touch with the site’s owner or content producer.

4. Use a Resource Page to Acquire Backlinks

A resource page is a website that serves to compile and connect to useful resources, tools, or material on a given subject or field.

In most cases, the following procedures constitute Link Building for Ecommerce resource pages:

Know what to link to and how to get there

To get started, find or create information that is high-quality, helpful, and educational that would work well on resource sites.

Articles, guides, infographics, and tools are all examples of material that fit this category.

Locate useful resource pages

Find relevant reference sites that might potentially connect to your material. To get results relevant to your niche or target term, try searching Google with the following queries:

“keyword” + “resources”
“keyword” + “useful links”
“keyword” + “helpful resources”
“keyword” + “links”

Check out the useful links!

Evaluate how useful and reliable the pages you locate are. Try to find websites that have a lot of traffic, a lot of active users, and relevant material.

Create a one-of-a-kind email outreach

If you think your work would be a good fit for the website’s resources page, send the site’s owner or editor a courteous, individualised email outlining who you are and why they should consider publishing your work.

Be sure to highlight the unique value that your material offers and why it would appeal to their readership.

5. Keep a list of niche contacts

While there are many programmes available to assist with site prospecting lists, not all of them will enable you to upload your own list and then manage outreach to the contacts on that list.

Pitchbox is useful for this, although cheaper alternatives like Buzzstream also exist.

With Pitchbox, you can easily locate relevant websites to connect with, automate your outreach, and manage your connections.

Here’s how you can use Pitchbox to compile a list of websites:

Start a new campaign

Select “Create New Campaign” from the “Campaigns” menu on Pitchbox’s dashboard.

Type in your campaign’s name and choose its target audience. (such as “Blogger Outreach” or “Link Building”).

Set up your campaign parameters.

Set your campaign preferences, such as the email address to be used for outreach and the websites to be ignored (such as those belonging to your rivals or previously linked sites).

Find potential customers.

To add prospective websites to your campaign’s database, go to the “Prospects” tab and click the “Add Prospects” button.

You may either manually add websites to Pitchbox, utilise the built-in search to find them, or import a list from another tool like Ahrefs or Semrush.

  • Enter your search terms and pick a filter for Pitchbox’s in-built search to get exactly what you’re looking for. (such as “Blogger,” “Resource Page,” or “Guest Post”). Then, Pitchbox will compile a directory of useful websites for your campaign.
  • Pitchbox allows you to import a list of websites by simply exporting the list to a CSV file from your favourite SEO tools.

Analyze and sort your leads.

Review the list of possible websites and eliminate those that are unnecessary or of poor quality.

Pitchbox includes measures like domain authority (DA) that may be used to compare and contrast different websites.

Select the websites you wish to add to your database by checking their boxes, then click “Add Selected Prospects” for Link Building for Ecommerce.

6. Use Podcast Directories

Simple podcast directories may be used to either promote your own podcast or locate a podcast booking service. Preparing for a podcast may be time-consuming, so it’s important to choose a small number of shows that are very relevant to your field.

Image shows how Link Building for Ecommerce can increase sales

Check out Stitcher, Podbean, or TuneIn and do some specialised outreach based on your findings.

Learn to specialise

Think about your target audience and why you want to be a part of a podcast.

Check out podcast indexes

Find podcast directories that cater to your specific field or market, and compile a list of shows you’d want to pitch.

You may utilise the previously mentioned examples or do your own search on Google to locate other directories.

Hear the latest episodes

Before submitting a pitch, it’s a good idea to listen to a few episodes of the podcast to get a feel for the show’s tone, style, and structure. Can they be part of your Link Building for Ecommerce strategy?

Hone Your Sales Pitch

Make a convincing case for why you should be included on the podcast.

Don’t forget to give a quick summary of who you are, what you specialise in, and why you’d be a great addition to the programme. Please include any pertinent areas on which you have expertise or insight.

If you have a pitch, please send it in.

You may send an email or a tweet to the podcast’s creator or host. Your pitch has to be short, specific, and polished.

7. Create stat pages about your products to attract links

This is one of the best methods for establishing backlinks to online stores.

Online stores may not always have the manpower or funds to conduct their own investigations, so compiling statistics reports is an easy alternative.

Compile a collection of relevant statistics from authoritative sources (such as government data websites or primary data studies) and save the reader the trouble of doing the legwork.

8. Ask for product links finding related content

Using the product links method, you may discover articles that are not featuring your product but are ranking for Google and Bing searches like “top rated  + product type.” The next step is to offer your goods to writers in exchange for their comments.

If they find the product useful, suggest that they include you in a write-up with a backlink.

If they highlight you, they’re more likely to provide a link to your site.

Get started

You should be sure your product is superior than the competitors before deciding to use this strategy. Bloggers won’t feature or link to you if they disagree with you.

If that’s a given, then follow these instructions:

  1. Come up with a list of all the different kinds of things you offer.
  2. Try looking for “lists” in which your name doesn’t appear on Google.
  3. Solicit opinions about your goods.

Avoid making a direct offer to provide writers your goods in exchange for a hyperlink in the pitch. Exchange of products or services for links is considered by Google to be a link scheme and may result in a penalty.

Instead, suggest swapping samples for comments.

Send the writer a sample and check back with them in a couple of weeks if they reply that they haven’t tested the product.

If they are impressed with the goods, you may ask to be included on their list. If they don’t, use it as constructive criticism!


E-commerce sites that want to see high conversion rates must ensure that their category, product, and brand pages rank well in Google search results. The nature of online trade, however, makes it difficult to attract quality inbound links to these sites.

You may get around these difficulties by using a mix of content-led link development, clever internal linking, and innovative outreach strategies.

Using these Link Building for Ecommerce methods, online stores may increase their exposure in search engines and avoid the pitfalls of ecommerce linking.

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