How to Find Low Competition Keywords with High Traffic

how to find low competition keywords with high trafficI am going to show you how to find low competition keywords with high traffic really fast.

These keywords are so easy you can get a top rank without any backlinks at all.

The fastest and easiest way to rank no. 1 in the SERPs is to find long tail low seo competition keywords.

Who wants a bucket load of keywords that you can rank on page 1 of Google search without any backlinks at all?

Sounds awesome, right?

Well it is possible to find these keywords for free, however it can take a long time to do the research.

There is a tool that can do it for you. It’s not free, but you can evaluate your ROI and certainly make it pay for you.

This tool is cloud based, there is nothing to download. You just sign up and away you go.

The tool is called Long Tail Pro. It comes with a 7 day $1 trial, believe me, it is well worth giving a go.

I am going to show you how to use this great tool right now, I have been very impressed with it so far.

You can use this Long Tail Pro with one other seo tool to create a very powerful ranking strategy.

The other tool is called SEO Content Machine. This is by far the best article writing software on the market right now.

If you only get 2 tools in your seo arsenal, these are the ones that will make your affiliate/blogging life so much easier.

This is how these seo tools can help you out:

You can use long tail pro to find long tail low seo competition keywords in under 10 minutes. If the keywords have an seo competition score below 20 you can rank on the first page of Google without any backlinks at all.

Next is where the magic happens;

Then you power up the SEO Content machine software. Use it to create 30 unique articles in super fast time, won’t even take you 10 minutes.

Then use SEO Content machine to auto post that content to your Web 2.0 blogs. Drop 10 Web 2.0 backlinks per month over a 3 month period and your site will hit the top spot for sure.

Drop content on Web 2 sites that are already indexed and your rank will soar. Make sure you use the perfect anchor text ratio and you can’t fail.

You can make these tools pay for themselves over and over.

With this strategy, your money site is getting new content on a regular basis, and it is getting backlinks slow and steady spread across the entire site on a steady flow.

Your domain authority will sky rocket. If you interlink your new posts other pages will start to rank up and the money will start to roll in.

This strategy provides the perfect balance for a one person ranking machine.

SEO Content Machine is $27 a month. Long Tail Pro is $37 a month.

For $64 a month you can certainly see a good return on this little investment.

Each tool is going to save you a lot of time and hassle.

I know it sounds a lot for anyone just starting out, but believe me, these tools are a game changer.

Keyword research is the most important aspect of SEO, long tail pro will make you an expert right away.

Let’s dive right in there are take a look at how long tail pro works;

How to Find Low Competition Keywords with High Traffic

I am going to use Long Tail Pro to find a long tail keyword to rank this post for. I am not going to build any backlinks to this page. This way you can see the power of this software and how important it is to find low competition long tail keywords.

Like I say, the software does not need to be downloaded, it is cloud based. You sign up, log in, and away you go.

This is how you find low seo competition long tail keywords:

First of all, log into your Long Tail pro account.

Start you new project in Long Tail Pro

Let’s start a new project. Enter your project name and hit the “Add Project” button.

Select language and search engine to use

Select which search engine you want to rank on, I have selected Then select the language you want to work in.

You can also add your money site domain name. This will give you a customised competition analysis with metrics, so it is worth doing.

Now for the fun part. Let’s find some easy to rank long tail keywords.

Simply enter a seed keyword

Now enter a seed keyword. Then select the number of results that you require per keyword, I have selected “100” returns per keyword.

I have also set the minimum number of monthly searches to “100”.

Then hit the “Retrieve Adwords Suggestions” button.

Now I hear you shouting, “why don’t I just use Adwords keyword planner, it’s free”. Well it will not give you the return on long tail keywords that Long Tail Pro can, Adwords always holds out on you. Also, Adwords does not have an seo competition score analysis, which is very important.

I should also mention that you do not need to do anything else to this software, no proxies, it does not even have to be linked with your Adwords account. The tool is ready to use right away, nothing else to do, and it is very easy to use too.

Simply scroll down to view the keyword results. It will take a few minutes to generate them.

The next part is fun, you are going to filter the keywords to find a ranking gem.

Use the filter to find the best long tail keywords

I used the filter to display all keywords with 3 words or more in them.

Then I clicked on the “Avg. KC” tab, this displays the low seo competition score keywords at the top of the list.

To get the keywords with high traffic click on the “Volume” tab. Then look at the “Avg. KC” column to find high traffic keywords with low seo competition.

The keyword results show:

  • list of long tail keywords
  • an option to add a keyword to your favourites list
  • monthly search volume
  • cost per click to advertise for this keyword (important for keyword value when using Adsense to monetise your money site)
  • advertiser competition score
  • number of words in the keyword
  • rank value (calculated on Adwords cost per click. Of course this will be different if you choose to monetise your site with Amazon or ClickBank links) Go here to learn how to calculate the monetary value of your keyword.
  • keyword seo competition score

As you can see, “long tail pro discount” has a very low seo competition score of 20.

Also, “long tail pro review” has a low seo competition score of 27.

Both keywords get around 110 searches per month. They are not going to drive massive amounts of traffic to a site, but it is an easy way to rank, a way to start pushing some traffic to a site.

A good seo strategy is to add lots of valuable content to a site focused around easy to rank long tail keywords.

Lots of content like this will bring in a significant amount of traffic, it will generate some nice commission cheques in the right niche.

After you have decided on a long tail keyword you can drill further into the metrics to help you decide if you can rank number one for it.

This is how you do it;

Get more keyword ranking metrics

Click on the keyword to see the top 10 ranked sites for that keyword. This will help you understand if you can rank for the keyword or not.

Easy way to do keyword competition analysis

Now you can see a whole load of seo metrics to evaluate the top ranking sites.

Each site has an seo competition score, you can even see how many internal and external backlinks each site has.

The entire list of metrics include;

  1. seo competition score
  2. domain seo competition score
  3. trust flow
  4. citation flow
  5. number of external backlinks
  6. number in internal links
  7. site age
  8. number of URLs the site has indexed

Within the list you can also see the TITLE TAG and URL extension of the page. This is incredibly important.

If you can find a keyword where none of the top ranking sites have the exact long tail keyword in the TITLE TAG or URL extension you are sure it is easy to rank for.

For the keyword “long tail pro review” five of the top 10 ranking sites have the exact keyword in the TITLE TAG. I am most definitely not going to after this keyword.

I will do some more research to find an easy to rank keyword to use for this particular post.

Easy way to get more long tail keywords really fast

Click on the blue spy glass button (circled red) to find even more long tail keywords.

The keyword I have decided on for this post is “how to find low competition keywords with high traffic”. This keyword has an seo competition score of 28, there are sites ranking on the first page of Google for this keyword with very few backlinks.

All I need to do to rank on the first page of Google search for long tail keywords like these is to make sure the keyword is in the page TITLE TAG and URL.

Combine this with some decent content and a few backlinks as suggested earlier and you are set to hit the top spot.

Imagine how much money you can earn through Amazon affiliate commissions by using Long Tail Pro as your keyword research tool.

Yes you can find these keywords without Long Tail Pro, however it is going to take you a lot longer. Long Tail Pro is a massive time saver for me.

It is well worth giving a try at $1 for 7 days, if you don’t like it then cancel your subscription. In 7 days you can find a serious amount of low seo competition score keywords for your niche, you are going to get a good return on your $1.

What else can Long Tail Pro do?

The video below explains a little more about what Long Tail Pro can do for you:

I have absolutely no doubt that you can make the monthly fee pay for itself.

The tool is certainly going to help you find an easy to rank niche many times over.

Watch me find a new Amazon niche that looks promising in a few minutes;

First go to and do an Amazon keyword search.

Use to find Amazon buying keywords

Select a “best” keyword from the list.

I will pick one of the results at random; “glucosamine treats for dogs”. Now enter that seed word into Long Tail Pro.

In less than 10 minutes I have found a new niche. If you spend a few hours on this you can find a highly profitable niche that you can rank no. 1 for with hardly any backlinks at all.

This is the best keyword research tool I have ever used

In a few minutes I have found “best glucosamine for dogs”. It gets a whopping 880 monthly searches and has a low keyword competition score of 29.

I found this keyword at random in a few minutes. If you take your time to use the software you can find some real money making keywords.

I will select another keyword at random from the tool to analyse using Long Tail Pro.

Let’s go for “humidifier”. Pop that seed keyword into Long Tail Pro.

More long tail keyword results

Within a few minutes I now know that “electronic cigar humidifier” is a decent long tail keyword within that particular niche. The results also reveal that there are very few long tail keywords in that niche, it is not one that I would be looking to go into.

I think you can probably tell how incredibly useful Long Tail Pro is going to be to you.

The free way to do this kind of keyword research would be to use these 3 tools;

To generate lots of long tail keywords go to This will generate lots of long tail search phrases that you can use to get actual Google search terms using the keyword tool.

You can use the keyword research tool for keyword search volume data.

Then you can use for seo competition analysis.

Of course you will use as mentioned earlier for niche selection.

Long Tail Pro does all of the above in one, the seo competition score is very useful. Keywords that I currently target with a Long Tail Pro seo score below 20 will rank in the top ten of Google SERPs without any backlinks at all.

Not only does it show you how to find low competition keywords with high traffic but also reveals their monetary value.

Why is Long Tail Pro the best keyword research tool:

Long Tail Pro generates keyword competition score on auto pilot for all keywords in the list. You do not need to press a button to generate an seo competition score for each keyword individually.  This is going to save you a lot of time.

Many other keyword research tools require you to select an individual keyword for analysis to reveal the keyword seo competition score, which gets rather tedious in the long run. Long Tail Pro does not require you to do this.

Compared to others on the market it is very reasonably priced, you are certainly going to be able to bring a good return on this little investment. Find one niche with lots of low seo competition keywords and you are laughing all the way to the bank.

If you already have a niche site then it is worth giving Long Tail Pro a $1 trial for 7 days, if anything you are going to find a hell of a lot of information about your niche that is certainly worth a lot more than $1.

If you do decide to give it a go drop me a comment or 2 below to let me and others know how you found it.

Is this the best keyword research tool for affiliate marketers? I think so 🙂

Feel The Power of Long Tail Keywords

Just a quick update to really help you understand the power of long tail keywords.

I published this post yesterday on 28 November 2016. Today 29 November 2016 the page is ranked number 5 on Google search.

This page has got a first page Google ranking in just 1 day targeting a long tail keyword without any backlinks at all.

My keyword rank check

The keyword has an seo competition score of 28, I believe you can rank and get traffic without backlinks. Keyword research is very important.

Long tail keywords are a great way to start to get traffic to a site, and most importantly start making some money.

Do not underestimate the power of long tail keywords, do not dismiss them just because they have low search volume.

Keywords like this are very easy to rank for, if you blog everyday it is a super easy way to get some traffic flowing.

61 thoughts on “How to Find Low Competition Keywords with High Traffic”

  1. Good article you put out here. I needed to know more about that longtailpro tool you mentioned but saw that the video to give further explanation has been removed. please i will like to learn more and even try it out.
    But i want to ask one question; how long do you think it will take for my site to rank and begin getting traffic if i go for low competitive keywords. how many months or years will it take?

    • Depending on your keywords/content a top-ranking can come in a few weeks, even if the site is new, I have done it many times over, the content has to be good. It is most likely that it will take 3 months to hit the top if the top sites have a lot of decent backlinks in place.

  2. Have you ever experienced when you are building links and trying hard but ranking is not going up and gets stuck at some point and not moving. How do you deal with that. Do you just keep building links until it ranks. How do you plan your strategy if it doesn’t move.

    • Add content if movement stops and continue with the links. Analyze the on-page, if everything is good add content, play with the META DATA and it will move without any doubt, will be in days.

      • Don’t be afraid to change the Meta Title and Description TAGs, save the old META DATA and change it, rankings will change.

  3. Just in 3 months. You ranked 200K+ search volume keywords. WOW. What was the difficulty of that keyword. I think you would have high DA already which is why post ranked quickly. What type of links you built it to rank that keyword.

    • Keyword difficulty of 38, that’s irrelevant because the Keyword difficulty score is based on sites age and backlinks, but if you do your research and there isn’t a site in the top 10 solving the problem then you will rank top. The website was brand new, used an exact match domain name. Dropped on page 2 with optimized content alone, then build niche backlinks, mix of web 2s, PBNs, and blog comments.

  4. Thank you Nick for every reply you are giving it to me.

    How many months it took you to rank different 200K search volume keywords on first spot.

    My second question is the maximum months it took you to rank any keyword.

    • It took me 3 months or just over to hit the top. The rank time scale depends on the keyword. If you work on writing a bit of content that is optimized and it lands on page 2 you know you are onto a winner. Then you can start adding to the content and getting the backlinks, that way you know top rankings will be achieved within 3 months.

  5. Hi Nick again,

    As you use AdSense so have you ever faced any problem with an account. I mean can you mention some tips so that account doesn’t get banned. I see people account can get banned for various reasons like event blogging. They create site on any event like new year quotes or anything like that and rank site and then they make money out of it quickly so it’s not good in Google’s eyes if you keep doing it over and over again on different events. Right. There are a lot more reasons of account getting banned so any tips you would like to give from your experience so that account remain safe.

    • I know some people get banned from clicking on their own ads, so stay away from doing that. I always work in a different niche each time and always use Google’s own WordPress plugin to display the Ads. Not had an account banned so would not know how that happens, I just follow the rules, If I monetize with Google Ads then I do not put any other Ads on the sites from different networks.

  6. WOW. So let say if site hits 500K visitors every month then how much revenue it would generate from Google ads generally. Just rough idea. We are talking about here the majority of traffic from US and then from the rest of the world.


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