Search Engine Optimization Services

Search Engine Optimisation ServicesToday I am going to show you how to use the Rankers Paradise search engine optimization services to get a top Google rank.

I am going to rank this post number 1 in Google search using the services featured in the Rankers Paradise SEO Store.

Follow the link to see our latest link building services.

Let’s start right at the begining.

Okay, this is what you are going to get out of this:

  • Find low competiton money making easy to rank keywords
  • Get top ranking well researched hand written content done for you
  • Receive rank pushing social signals
  • Get the best backlinks to hit hit Google top rank

That’s everything taken care of for you to hit a Google number one rank.

You can buy all these services in the Rankers Paradise SEO Store.

Of course I am also going to show you how to do it all yourself for free.

However this is time consuming, and if you want to get the money rolling in as soon as possible you need everything to be done the right way.

If you choose to use the Rankers Paradise search engine optimization services you are not only going to get it done the right way, you are going to learn so much from it too.

Search Engine Optimization Services

Here I am going to walk you through the SEO Services that you can use to get a top Google rank.

Follow each strategy and you will be ranking top for a great money making keyword sooner than you think.

Each part is very important in it’s own right, so do not skip a section.

You need to take each and every step seriously.

1. Find Money Making Low Competion keywords

Finding money making low seo competition keywords is the most important part of any project.

This will make or break your online success.

Do not worry, we have a service to cover this step for you.

You do not need to go and buy all the expensive software, you can utilise our seo services instead.

So let’s get some low competition money making keywords:

To do this I use Long Tail Pro.

If you do not have Long Tail Pro, do not worry. We have a service that will take care of this step for you.

Our keyword research service will get the job done for you.

Or you can go out and get yourself a copy of Long Tail Pro and follow my steps below to find low competition money making keywords yourself.

So this is exactly what you will get if you buy our keyword research service.

We will open up Long Tail Pro.

Long Tail Pro Keyword Research Service

First of all we will give your project a name. As you can see, we are going to look for some keywords in the “Treadmills” niche. Then click the “Add Project” button.

Add keyword Research Details

Next we will select the location of the search engine you are trying to rank top on. In this case we are trying to rank top on

Then we will select the language.

Next we will enter the niche seed keyword, which is “treadmills”.

Then hit the “Retrieve Adwords Suggestions” button.

Long Tail Pro Keyword Analysis

Now comes the fun part. Let’s analyse the keyword to see if we have something we can rank top for. We also want to have something that will make us money.

Click the “Avg. KC” tab to get all the low seo competition keywords at the top of the list.

Any keyword with an seo competition score below 40 is considered easy to rank, this can be done with web 2.0 backlinks alone.

As you can see, Long Tail Pro has thrown up some pretty interesting keywords in this particular niche.

Now we have a low seo competition keyword, the next step is to take a look down the search volume column.

The keyword “best treadmill for home use” has a low seo competition score of just 32. The keyword gets a pretty good monthly search volume of 1900.

If you want to know how much money this keyword will make you take a look at this post.

There is a simple calculation that you can follow to help you know exactly how much your keyword is going to be worth to you each and every month.

This will give you a clear indication of your return on investment.

The next step is to click on the keyword, which will give us some interesting details on the top ranking sites.

Analyse Top Ranking Sites For Your Keyword

Now we can analyse the top ranking sites to make sure we can actually rank for this keyword.

The top ranking site does not have the exact keyword in the Meta Title, it does not have it in the URL either. This is very promising indeed.

The number of external backlinks is very low, just 52.

Some good social signals and a good round of tier 1 and tier 2 backlinks will rank a well written well optimised post for this keyword.

The last step is to look at the quality of the content on the top ranking sites.

If the content is thin and offers very little value to the searcher for the exact search term we are looking at then we are in business 🙂

The top ranking site has pretty good content, it’s not amazing. This is most definitely something that can be improved upon.

The site in second postion has really thin poor content.

There you have it. We have found a good money making keyword.

You can use our keyword research service to have this done for you.

For this post I found the keyword “search engine optimization services” which has a low seo competition score and a monthly search volume of 1000 as you can see in the image below.

search engine optimization services keyword seo competition score

I am using all the services in the Rankers Paradise SEO store to rank this post top on Google search for my selected keyword.

You can do exactly the same.

Now you have a good keyword it is time to get yourself, or write yourself some killer content.

2. Get Highly Optimised Number 1 Rank Worthy Content

Now you have a great money making keyword you are going to need some content that is going to rank you number one on Google search.

You can either go ahead and write the content yourself, or you can use our content writing service.

So what is going to make your content the best there is on the net for your selected keyword?

Let’s take a look:

  1. Exact keyword in Meta Title and Description tags.
  2. Exact keyword in the URL somewhere.
  3. Exact keyword in H1 and H2.
  4. Exact keyword at the start, in the middle and at the end of the content. Keep keyword density below 1%.
  5. Exact keyword in image ALT tag. Have the image at the start of the post.
  6. Have lots of media and information within the content. Many images and a video if possible.
  7. Make sure the content is at least 2000 words in length.
  8. Include bullet points and numbered lists.
  9. Have external links to authority sites within that particular niche.
  10. If you have related content on your site include internal links too.

Follow these 10 points and you are going to have some content that Google will love.

If you don’t want to write it yourself we have you covered.

Our writing team will deliver you 2000 plus words highly optimised content. You can take a look at the service right here.

So you now have an easy to rank keyword and some amazing content.

Your next step is to show Mr Google that your content is getting a little bit of a buzz about it and it should take notice of it in the SERPs.

So how do we get the ball rolling?

We get some social signals from all the major social networks.

3. Social Signals To Get The Raking Buzz Rolling

4000 Powerful Social SignalsBefore you go ahead and get backlinks you really do need to get some social signals first.

Getting social signals before backlinks makes things look a little more natural to Mr G.

Now you can go ahead and do the social signals yourself, or you can use our Rankers Paradise social signals service.

Our service is highly effective, these powerful social signals are known to push sites up the SERPs on their own without the need for any other kind of backlinks.

If you want to do the social signals yourself you will need to share your new blog post around all the social networks.

The major networks you can share your link on are:

  • Twitter
  • Google +
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn

Share your link around the four major social networks and it will send a positive signal to Google that your content has some authority to it and that it must be quite useful in some way or another.

Our social signals seo service provides a minimum of 4000 social signals.

Here is a break down of the social signals that you can expect from the service:

  1. Facebook Likes – 2500
  2. Facebook Shares – 100
  3. Tweets – 600
  4. Google + Shares – 100
  5. LinkedIn – 700

The break down will not be exactly like that, however you can be certain you will get a bare minumum of 4000 social signals across the major networks.

Now you have all the ingredients in place to go ahead and start pushing ranks with some very powerful backlinks.

4. Powerful Backlink Strategy To Rank You Number 1

This is the very last step in the ranking process.

In some cases, if your keyword has a very low seo competition score, the highly optimised content and the social signals will rank you top.

However, in most cases, you are going to need some backlinks too.

As always, we have you covered in more ways than one when it comes to backlinks.

Most of my strategies involve Web 2.0 backlinks, this is because they are easy to get and most importantly are highly effective at pushing sites up the SERPs.

I have two proven web 2.0 backlink strategies that you can follow on this site. These strategies work, they will get you a top rank guaranteed.

My first proven Web 2.0 backlinks ranking strategy is done over 90 days, it will get any keyword a top rank.

My second proven ranking strategy is a Web 2.0 link wheel and ranks sites in around 30 days.

Before you go ahead and get these backlinks you really should read my perfect anchor text ratio post.

You need to make sure that the anchors you use on your backlinks match the anchors used on the top ranking sites in your niche.

To check the anchor text profile of the top ranked site in your niche head on over to

You can also use SEO Splyglass, which is free.

You can order one of our Web 2.0 backlink search engine optimization services and have it done the correct way.

We will analyse the top ranking sites for you, we will make sure your anhcor text profile matches the top ranking sites. This in turn will make sure your site hits the top spot.

If you would like to buy our backlink services you will find them below:

These are proven ranking strategies.

The service you use really depends on your keyword and it’s seo difficulty score.

To rank this page top I am going to use the 20 site two tier Web 2.0 link wheel service.

The service gives you a huge 20 Web 2.0 sites all linked up in a very specific way on Tier 1.

Each of those Web 2.0 sites on Tier 1 get 5 High PA Tumblr backlinks pointing to them on Tier 2.

I am going to show you how to do this yourself below for free.

20 Site Proven Web 2.0 Link Wheel Strategy:

ultimate link wheelFirst of all you are going to require 20 unique niche related articles.

If you want to get the content yourself for free go ahead and take a look at my free blog content generator post.

I use SEO Content machine to generate content for my backlinks. It’s not free, however we have a service in the Rankers Paradise store that will get you the content for your tier 1 backlinks super cheap.

You can buy 20 generated niche related articles right here.

Now you have your content, you need to post it on 20 different Web 2.0 platforms.

You will find a huge list of Web 2.0 sites on my free backlinks post.

Each Web 2.0 site needs to link to your money site, but also link to the next Web 2.0 in the link wheel.

If you do not know what a link wheel is take a look at this video:

A link wheel ensures your web 2.0 sites get backlinks and your money site does too.

This is a 2 tier backlink strategy, which means each of the 20 web 2.0 sites will get backlinks too.

Our service does 5 high PA Tumblr backlinks to each and every Web 2.0 site on tier 1.

So in total you have 100 backlinks on tier 2.

You get 20 backlinks on tier 1.

That’s a total of 120 backlinks pointing to your site.

This will in most cases rank your site number one on Google search.

Ranking Results:

Post published: 22/06/2017

I will log the ranking results below to show you can rank top of Google using the search engine optimization services featured in this post.

55 thoughts on “Search Engine Optimization Services”

  1. I want to start afresh. Give me a link to your service store where I can order for a keyword with low competition, high cpc, and I prefer a product keyword so I can make money from amazon through their affiliate program.
    NB: I don’t have any niche in mind. I just need a profitable long tail keyword that worth my investment

    And is it advisable to rank an informational keyword? i.e keywords without product to sell.

    Lastly, can you recommend a reliable free hosting site for a year whose price plan is affordable after a year

    • You can use our keyword research service in our seo store to find keywords for a new niche.

      It’s best to rank for buyer keywords when working with Amazon affiliate site.

      Best hosting is Bluehost, never used a free hosting service so I can’t recommend one.

  2. I have learn 100% seo from rankersparadise Thank you so much I always will be waiting for your new articles . Every articles is really awesome and knowledgeable.


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