SEO Case Study – Gambling Website

In just over one month we got one of our gambling clients’ top rankings for many keywords.

In 4 weeks we took a gambling website to #1 Google rankings for very high search volume keywords. The SEO case study reveals how it was done.

The client put their casino website onto our Advanced SEO Package, this means we worked on 10 keywords/URLs.

The website is to target the Malaysian market and therefore we were looking for top keyword rankings on

Here is a breakdown of the 10 target keywords including their monthly search volume and SEO competitiveness score.

As you can see, this keyword has a huge monthly search volume and a medium keyword SEO competitiveness score.

This keyword has a monthly search volume of 110,000. If the top ranking website receives roughly 33% of all clicks it would mean an extra 36,000 visitors to this website if it hits the top.

As you can see, as the monthly search volume decreases the SEO competitiveness score reduces.

These keywords were selected because the client’s website was already ranking for them, this means we could bring quick wins for them.

Here are the start rankings for the gambling website:

As you can see, the website had some page 1 and 2 rankings at the start. With the correct backlinks, the site can get number 1 rankings within a month.

If a website comes to us with current rankings like this we can push results really quickly.

When we deal with new sites the rankings take a little longer. We use the first month to get the keywords showing on Google, then push for the top 5 keyword placements in month 2.

Here are the ranking results after 1 month SEO on the gambling website:

As you can see, we have one of the first 5 keywords ranked top in just over 1 month. We also have some number 2 placements, these will go to the top over the next few weeks.

Some of the keywords that were placed down on Google pages 4 and 5 have hit page 1. The keywords that had a page 1 ranking at the start have hit the number 1 ranking.

This client started with us in the middle of July 2021 and by the middle of August 2021, we have got some number 1 rankings for them. This has been achieved in just over 4 weeks’ time.

Full keyword movement in 4 weeks:

Keyword 1 –

Monthly Search Volume: 1000000

start position: 9

4-week position: 2

Keyword 2 –

Monthly Search Volume: 110000

start position: 6

4-week position: 2

Keyword 3 –

Monthly Search Volume: 27100

start position: 7

4-week position: 1

Keyword 4 –

Monthly Search Volume: 49500

start position: 40

4-week position: 6

Keyword 5 –

Monthly Search Volume: 390

start position: 43

4-week position: 5

Keyword 6 –

Monthly Search Volume: 2900

start position: 6

4-week position: 1

Keyword 7 –

Monthly Search Volume: 9900

start position: 33

4-week position: 5

Keyword 8 –

Monthly Search Volume: 10

start position: 48

4-week position: 4

Keyword 9 –

Monthly Search Volume: 10

start position: 32

4-week position: 3

Keyword 10 –

Monthly Search Volume: 390

start position: 17

4-week position: 3

How were these ranking achieved?

Week 1

On the first day, each of the keywords received a 5 site web 2.0 link wheel. We used a mix of anchors consisting of exact match and URL variations. We completed an in-depth on-page analysis and made the necessary changes, ensuring all the keywords are present in the METADATA and body content.

Each of the 5 Web 2.0 sites received tier 2 links from our indexed web 2.0 blog network. These ensure our tier 1 links are discovered by Google Bot really quickly.

Nothing more was needed to be done on these web 2.0 backlinks, we left them to index naturally.

On day 2 we hit the site with 100 mixed links. The links came from high authority websites in the form of profile backlinks. Mostly URL anchors were used.

Just from the link wheel alone completed on day 1 the site jumped up a few places in rankings for every keyword.

On day 3 we completed 50 PBNs to the website. We do not use just any PBNs, we used PBNs from our casino network. All our casino PBNs are indexed, this means the links will be discovered and rankings are guaranteed to improve.

We now have over 1000 casino sites in our website network, each and every blog is indexed and we are constantly adding to them as we grow. All of the sites are on different IPs.

On day 4 we checked the rankings, our casino PBNs had pushed the “keyword 6” and “keyword 3” keywords into position 3.

So in 3 days, we pushed one keyword from position 6 to 3 and another keyword from position 7 to 3. This was achieved with web 2.0 backlinks, profile backlinks, and 50 casino PBN backlinks.

On day 4 we slowed down the pace and did 5 casino PBNs using exact match anchors. On day 5 we completed another 5 casinos/gambling PBNs.

At the start of day 6, we split some 10 high PA Tumblr backlinks across all keywords. We also sent 10,000 social signals at the site, these came from Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr.

Over the weekend we let the links settle. The site had a 2-day break from receiving links.

Week 2

On day 9 the site received 100 mixed links from high authority profile sites, this includes some gov and Edu profile backlinks. The profile links came from sites like,,, etc.

At this point, the “keyword 2” was in Google position 2. This keyword alone has a monthly search volume of 110,000. Took us just 9 days to push this high search volume keyword into the top 2 rankings.

On day 10 the site received 50 Guest post backlinks from high authority websites like,,, etc.

On day 11 the site received backlinks from 100 bookmarking websites. These came from websites like,, and

At this point the “keyword 1” keyword had a drop in ranking a few places, this is always expected. Clients have to be aware that a Google dance will occur when the backlinks flow, at the end the keyword always ends up in a higher placement than when we started out.

On day 12 we split 150,000 GSA backlinks across all our tier 1 links using exact match anchors on all the links.

Week 3

After the weekend we started work on day 15 spreading 2000 web 2.0 backlinks from our indexed network across the Tier 2 links that we completed on day 12. The articles had 5 links in them to maximize link exposure.

On day 16 we split another GSA run across all the Tier 3 links. This feeds the juice down the line to our main website. All the tiered links are most definitely worth doing. This particular SEO campaign has 4 tiers of backlinks.

On day 17 we went back to doing some more tier 1 links and started nice and easy with bookmarks. The site received 100 social bookmark backlinks from different platforms to the previous run. As the rankings start to go up we like to slow down the link volume to minimize drops.

The next day we completed another web 2.0 tier 1 buffer blog run. This consisted of 50 different Web 2.0 platforms.

On day 19 we completed 100 Edu/gov Guest Post backlinks. These links are contextual and come from powerful Edu/gov domains. Most of these kinds of links index in days, the sites are crawled often by Google bot.

Week 4

After a few day’s rest, we completed 30 regular profile links from business sites, and 20 edu profile links. On day 21 the “keyword 6” keyword was ranking number 1 on Google. This keyword has a 2900 monthly search volume.

On day 22 each keyword received another premium 5 site web 2.0 link wheel. These were powered up with at least 10 web 2 links on tier 2. On the same day, we followed that up with some more bookmark backlinks.

Day 23 consisted of more bookmark links and some Guest Posts from high authority websites like,, and We did 50 backlinks from these sites.

On day 24 we did 10 backlinks from high authority Blogger web 2 sites. These are Blogger sites from our network that are indexed. We submitted each of the URLs to Google Console to have the links crawled and indexed. We fired some bookmark backlinks at each Blogger post on tier 2.

On day 25 we did another round of Blogger backlinks. We did 10 Blogger links on Tier 1, each Blogger post was powered up with 10 Bookmark links.

Day 26 saw us create more casino/gambling contextual links from our PBNs. We did 30 casino links this time using exact match anchors.

On day 27 each keyword received a guest post on the Harvard website, this was powered up with a GSA run on tier 2. We used a mix of blog comment links and redirect links.

Day 27 saw each keyword receive a guest post (handwritten) from a different site that we had not used already. This was either from a web 2.0 site or from one of our own news sites in our network. Each guest post was submitted to bookmark websites to ensure they index.

On day 28 we did 200 web 2.0 backlinks on tier 1. We did this to mix up the anchor text profile. We used URL and BRAND anchors only for this run.

Day 29 saw 10 backlinks, one post for each keyword coming from a different site in our casino/gambling private blog network. We used exact match anchors.

On day 30 we sent some juice to the 10 PBN links that we did on the previous day. We did around 100 web 2.0 links to each of the casino PBN posts.

Day 31 saw 10 more Blogger posts, all hand-written and submitted to Google Console to ensure the links are indexed.

That’s everything we have done so far.

Of course, the client is very happy, the rankings will continue to go up. Over the next month, all the keywords will hit the top spot.

Get casino SEO for your gambling website

Out of the 10 keywords, we have two Google number 1 rankings. One keyword has a monthly search volume of 27,100, the other keyword has a monthly search volume of 2900.

Those two keywords have a 30,000 monthly search volume combined. This means we have brought this gambling site at least 10,000 more visitors each and every month and we have not finished yet.

Do you have a casino/gambling website?

If you do and you want us to do the same thing for your website you can take a look at our monthly SEO packages.

The package you choose depends on how many keywords you have. If your website is new it would be best to go with the Rankers Starter Package.

If you are unsure about which package to go for you can get us on live chat right now or send us an email to Give us your website URL and we will make some suggestions for you.

If you are looking for a one-off package then take a look at our Gambling SEO Backlinks Services for Online Casino Poker Sites Digital iGaming Marketing Agency option.

Only go for that option if you are certain that your on-page SEO is up to scratch. Our monthly SEO packages cover on-site and off-site optimization. With the combination of our powerful casino/gambling PBNs and our indexed web 2.0 network, we can get top rankings for casino/gambling websites really quickly as shown in our SEO case study.

2 thoughts on “SEO Case Study – Gambling Website”

  1. Nice post Nick. It was an amazing case study. May I know what you could had done if it was not related to casino industry. I mean what if keyword has big monthly search volume just like casino case study.

    My second question is if keyword is on 2nd page or lower and has big monthly search volume and you have to rank it quickly without waiting months then how would you go about it.

    • The same process would apply, on-page would be completed and competitor analysis and then link building based on the findings. If the keyword is on page 2 and you want to rank up as fast as possible you need links from niche-related sites that are already indexed. The fastest way is to set up a PBN.


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