Perfect Anchor Text Ratio

I will reveal the perfect anchor text ratio to useI am going to show you the perfect anchor text ratio to use to rank number one on Google search.

I have analysed the anchor text profile of many top ranking sites, mostly Amazon affiliate sites.

All of the sites are ranked number one for their keyword, these guys have the perfect anchor text ratio.

I am going to reveal my results here for you guys to see and use. This will save you some research time in the future.

I did this research quite a while ago for myself to use. I have updated the results so that they are relevant and working today.

So I will give you a keyword, then reveal the anchor text profile for that top ranking site.

Then I will use all the data to reveal the perfect anchor text ratio, this is exactly what I am using today.

All monthly search volume data is for and comes courtesy of the free keyword research tool.

To check the anchor text profile of any site you can use (free account) and/or SEO Spyglass free software.

All seo difficulty scores are taken from

To check the web site word count and keyword density I use this tool.

Anchor Text Ratio For Top Rank Sites

Keyword: best electric shaver

SEO Difficulty: 41

Search volume: 14,800

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 5188 words

Keyword Density: 0.42%


Perfect anchor text ratio for keyword best electric shaver


Brand: 0%

Title tag: 18%

Exact match: 13%

Part match: 13%

Long tail with exact keyword: 3%

LSI keyword synonyms: 3%

Full open URL: 8% URL: 5% URL: 0%

Generic: 0%

No text: 3%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 0%


keyword: best electric toothbrush

SEO Difficulty: 48

Search volume: 22,200

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 2396 words

Keyword Density: 0.82%

MOZ METRICS: PA: 44 DA: 68 LINKS: 2,000

Perfect anchor text ratio for keyword best electric toothbrush


Brand: 0%

Title tag: 13%

Exact match: 7%

Part match: 7%

Long tail with exact keyword: 0%

LSI keyword synonyms: 0%

Full open URL: 13% URL: 7% URL: 0%

Generic: 14%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 0%


Keyword: best electric smoker

SEO Difficulty: 41

Search volume: 4,400

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 1774 words

Keyword Density: 0.75%


Perfect anchor text for best electric smoker keyword


Brand: 0%

Title tag: 44%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 11%

Long tail with exact keyword: 11%

LSI keyword synonyms: 11%

Full open URL: 0% URL: 0% URL: 0%

Generic: 11%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 11%


Keyword: best survival knife

SEO Difficulty: 41

Search volume: 9,900

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 2930 words

Keyword Density: 0.56%


Best survival knife perfect anchor text ratio


Brand: 0%

Title tag: 1%

Exact match: 73%

Part match: 3%

Long tail with exact keyword: 3%

LSI keyword synonyms: 0%

Full open URL: 0% URL: 0% URL: 0%

Generic: 0%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 1%

Long tail random: 3%


Keyword: top work boots

SEO Difficulty: 39

Search volume: 320

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 2157 words

Keyword Density: 0%


Best anchor text ratio for the keyword top work boots


Brand: 0%

Title tag: 28%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 0%

Long tail with exact keyword: 0%

LSI keyword synonyms: 3%

Full open URL: 3% URL: 13% URL: 0%

Generic: 6%

No text: 3%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 6%


Keyword: best epilator

SEO Difficulty: 39

Search volume: 3,600

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 1482 words

Keyword Density: 0.47%


Best anchor text ratio for the keyword best epilator


Brand: 11%

Title tag: 0%

Exact match: 19%

Part match: 0%

Long tail with exact keyword: 0%

LSI keyword synonyms: 0%

Full open URL: 8% URL: 0% URL: 0%

Generic: 0%

No text: 6%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 12%


Keyword: best bedwetting alarm

SEO Difficulty: 45

Search volume: 320

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 1422 words

Keyword Density: 0%


Perfect anchor text for best bedwetting alarm keyword


Brand: 0%

Title tag: 30%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 0%

Long tail with exact keyword: 0%

LSI keyword synonyms: 10%

Full open URL: 10% URL: 0% URL: 0%

Generic: 20%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 0%


Keyword: best board games

SEO Difficulty: 61

Search volume: 18,100

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 1155 words

Keyword Density: 0%


Perfect anchor text ratio for best board games keyword


Brand: 4%

Title tag: 6%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 15%

Long tail with exact keyword: 15%

LSI keyword synonyms: 0%

Full open URL: 8% URL: 4% URL: 0%

Generic: 2%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 0%


Keyword: best carpet cleaner

SEO Difficulty: 43

Search volume: 14,800

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 1280 words

Keyword Density: 0.47%


Best carpet cleaner anchor text ratio for top ranking site


Brand: 3%

Title tag: 31%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 0%

Long tail with exact keyword: 20%

LSI keyword synonyms: 0%

Full open URL: 0% URL: 3% URL: 0%

Generic: 0%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 9%


Keyword: best gifts for men

SEO Difficulty: 58

Search volume: 12,100

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 650 words

Keyword Density: 0%

MOZ METRICS: PA: 63 DA: 73 LINKS: 5,447

Best gifts for men perfect anchor text ratio


Brand: 7%

Title tag: 13%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 0%

Long tail with exact keyword: 0%

LSI keyword synonyms: 0%

Full open URL: 7% URL: 0% URL: 0%

Generic: 5%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 12%


Keyword: best hair dryer

SEO Difficulty: 54

Search volume: 18,100

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 981 words

Keyword Density: 0%


Best hair dryer anchor text for top ranking sites


Brand: 8%

Title tag: 22%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 0%

Long tail with exact keyword: 0%

LSI keyword synonyms: 6%

Full open URL: 0% URL: 6% URL: 0%

Generic: 6%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 3%


Keyword: best hair straightener

SEO Difficulty: 42

Search volume: 14,800

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 1552 words

Keyword Density: 0%


Perfect anchor text ratio for keyword best hair straightener


Brand: 14%

Title tag: 7%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 7%

Long tail with exact keyword: 0%

LSI keyword synonyms: 0%

Full open URL: 8% URL: 3% URL: 5%

Generic: 0%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 5%

Long tail random: 9%


Keyword: best humidifier

SEO Difficulty: 49

Search volume: 14,800

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 6255 words

Keyword Density: 0.12%


Anchor text ratio for top ranking site for best humidifier


Brand: 30%

Title tag: 0%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 6%

Long tail with exact keyword: 0%

LSI keyword synonyms: 0%

Full open URL: 11% URL: 5% URL: 0%

Generic: 3%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 0%

Long tail random: 0%


Keyword: best juicer

SEO Difficulty: 43

Search volume: 14,800

Top Ranking URL:

Content: 1557 words

Keyword Density: 0.81%


Top ranking site anchor text ratio for keyword best juicer


Brand: 13%

Title tag: 6%

Exact match: 0%

Part match: 3%

Long tail with exact keyword: 0%

LSI keyword synonyms: 0%

Full open URL: 8% URL: 15% URL: 0%

Generic: 0%

No text: 0%

Authors name: 3%

Long tail random: 5%

What Is The Perfect Anchor Text Ratio?

One thing should hit you right away when looking at the results.

The most popular anchor text to use is the page TITLE TAG.

You will also notice that long tail anchors work really well these days too.

You will also notice that it is not an exact science. Some sites with a very high exact match anchor text ratio can still rank at the top of Google search.

Here are the results in order of popularity:

  2. Full Open URL
  4. Long Tail Random
  5. Brand
  6. Part Match
  7. Generic
  8. Long Tail Exact
  9. LSI Keyword Synonyms
  10. Exact Match
  11. No Text
  12. Authors Name

Now you all want to know what the perfect anchor text ratio is.

Well guess what, I am going to reveal it to you right now.

I am going to give you what is working for me right now.

Based on these results, on average, these sites use Brand anchors 6.42% of the time.

The site uses brand anchors 30% of the time, this is exactly what I do.

Google has a stalk on for brands. What better way to show you have a brand than throwing many Brand anchors out there.

You don’t have to be exact with this, it is a very loose guide for you to follow.

As you can see, many of the sites have a very different anchor text profile.

Let’s dive right into it;

  • Brand: 30%
  • TITLE TAG: 15%
  • Full Open URL: 9%
  • Exact Match: 8%
  • 7%
  • Long Tail Random: 6%
  • Part Match: 6%
  • Generic: 6%
  • Long Tail Exact: 5%
  • LSI keyword Synonyms: 5%
  • No Text: 1%
  • Authors Name: 1%
  • 1%

This is what I have been using in 2016. If you mix up your anchor text like this it will work right through 2017 and beyond.

If you are using my Web 2.0 backlink strategy right now, do not worry, that anchor text ratio works and is a good way to get some new content moving up the SERPs.

However you must be aware that it is not a great idea to continue building backlinks to the same page with the same anchor text principle as shown on my Web 2.0 backlinks strategy post. You are going to have to mix up your anchor text profile going forward, or your site is sure to get hit.

Also, for those of you that do not know what a “No Text” anchor is, I will explain.

To get a “No Text” backlink anchor you can drop an image in some content, then link the image to your site. Do not give the image an “ALT TAG”, this will ensure that you get a “No Text” backlink anchor.

You can get a “No Text” anchor from Web 2.0 sites like and You can’t get a “No Text” backlink from Tumblr.

Plan Your Anchor Text Profile

Most of the time I build backlinks in groups of 10.

A safe strategy is to index 3 to 5 backlinks per day using Google Console.

You can index more backlinks per site per day, only do 3 per post.

So, you can index 3 backlinks for one post, and 3 backlinks for another post on the same site per day.

You can copy the following anchor text profile into a spread sheet;

Round 1:

  1. Brand
  3. Full Open URL
  4. Brand
  6. Exact Match
  8. Brand
  9. Long Tail Random
  10. Part Match

Round 2:

  1. Generic
  2. Brand
  4. Full Open URL
  5. LSI Keyword Synonyms
  6. Brand
  7. Long Tail Exact
  8. Exact Match
  10. Brand

Round 3:

  2. LSI Keyword Synonyms
  3. Generic
  4. Brand
  6. Full Open URL
  7. Long Tail Random
  8. Brand
  9. Part Match
  10. Exact Match

Round 4:

  2. Brand
  3. No Text
  4. Long Tail Exact
  6. Brand
  7. Full Open URL
  9. Generic
  10. Brand

Round 5:

  1. LSI Keyword Synonyms
  2. Exact Match
  3. Long Tail Random
  4. Brand
  5. Part Match
  7. Full Open URL
  8. Brand
  10. Authors Name

Round 6:

  1. Long Tail Exact
  2. Brand
  4. Brand
  5. Exact Match
  6. Brand
  7. Generic
  8. Full Open URL
  9. Brand

Round 7:

  1. Long Tail Random
  2. Part Match
  3. Brand
  5. LSI Keyword Synonyms
  6. Brand
  8. Exact Match
  9. Full Open URL
  10. Brand

Round 8:

  1. Long Tail Exact
  2. Generic
  3. Brand
  5. Brand
  6. Long Tail Random
  7. Brand
  9. Exact Match
  10. Brand

Round 9:

  2. Full Open URL
  3. Part Match
  4. Brand
  6. LSI Keyword Synonyms
  7. Brand
  8. Generic
  10. Long Tail Exact

Round 10:

  1. Brand
  2. Exact Match
  4. Brand
  5. Full Open URL
  6. Long Tail Random
  7. Brand
  8. Part Match
  10. Brand

After each set of 100 backlinks, if you need to go that far to hit the top spot, make sure that you change the following anchor texts:

  • Part Match
  • Long Tail Random
  • Generic
  • Long Tail Exact
  • LSI Keyword Synonyms

For example, if I used “here” for my generic anchor on the first set of 100 backlinks, I would use ” visit this site” on the second set of 100 backlinks.

Or if I used “best epilator for face and legs” as my long tail exact on the first set of 100 backlinks, I would use “best epilator to use on your underarms” in the second set of 100 backlinks.

Now I am going to give you a set of anchor text examples.

Anchor Text Examples

I will run through some anchor text examples for my Amazon Affiliate site case study.

This is what my anchor text profile would look like for this page:

URL for anchor text ratio example

The keyword for that page is:

Keyword for anchor text ratio example


Example of a Brand anchor text


TITLE TAG Anchor Text Example

The top line in the Google search results is the TITLE TAG for my page. That is what I will use as a TITLE TAG anchor for a backlink to that particular post.


Title tag anchor text ratio is very important

Full Open URL:

URL for anchor text ratio example

Exact Match:

This is an exact match anchor text for the keyword used URL anchor text example

Long Tail Random:

easy way to remove peach fuzz hair fast with little pain

Part Match:

Part match anchor text example



Long Tail Exact:

Long tail exact match anchor text example

LSI keyword Synonyms:

LSI synonyms anchor text example

To get synonyms of your keywords you can use

To get LSI keywords in your niche look at the bottom of the SERPs:

LSI Keywords are at the bottom of Google SERPs

All phrases circled in red can be used as your LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing).

These are keywords that are related to your main money keyword.

You can also use this free LSI keyword generator tool to get the job done.

No Text:

This will be a backlink from an image that does not have an “ALT TAG “, which is the text alternative for the image. Miss out the ALT TAG and you will get a No Text backlink anchor.

You can get these anchors from most Web 2.0 sites like and

Authors Name:

Nicki anchor text example

That’s it. Just apply this lot to your website and you are set to rank high.

You now have an anchor text profile like the top ranking sites.

To find the long tail anchors that the top ranking site in your niche is using you can head on over to

The video below explains how you can use ahrefs to discover the perfect anchor text ratio for your niche:

I hope that you noticed that a whopping 11 sites out of the 14 listed above have a 0% exact match anchor text ratio.

One of these sites has a low domain authority of just 14. So their high rank with 0% exact match anchors is most definitely not down to having a high DA.

I have set the exact match anchor text ratio at 8%, however it can be as low as you want it to be. As long as your content is good, big G will know what it is about.

Your main focus should be to get contextual backlinks, the long tail anchors should be surrounded by related content to your focus keyword on your money site.

If you want to go with a very low exatch match anchor text ratio you can replace them with generic words like “site” and “go here” in the round 1 to 10 anchor text profile list.

I like to throw in complete random long tail anchor texts, use a sentence from your money site content. You can replace exact match anchors with complete random long tail anchors and generic anchors to lower exact match to 0% or 1% if you want to.

I can’t stress this enough, this is a loose guide, there is no perfect anchor text ratio when you build the backlinks yourself.

Use this as a guide, index the backlinks slow and steady and you are sure to hit the top spot.

To play it safe you can build backlinks without any exact anchors at all. Do this for the first 20 backlinks. Then check your rank. If you are happy with how it is going continue down the same road without exact match anchors.

If you think your rank should be a little higher than what it is, then drop an exact match anchor backlink in there.

Always monitor your progess and keep a record of your backlinks in a spread sheet, including anchor text information.

This way you can go back and change anchors if you need, that’s the beauty of building backlinks yourself.

If you are working on a lot of sites/pages at the same time, my advise is to build 10 quality backlinks per month to each page/post.

By quality, I mean content around 1000 words in legth, with images, video and linking out to other authority sites in your niche (not your competitors).

I should also mention that the average number of words that these top ranking sites have for their content length is 2198 words. Aim to have around 2000 words of content on your money site and you are good to rank.

The average keyword density for these top ranking site is 0.31%. A keyword density below 1% will see you good to rank.

Where To Place Your Backlinks

It is also important to know where to place your backlinks within a post.

Brand: You can place a brand anchor anywhere on the page. Remember to place most of them above the fold, remember to mix up your placement to make it look natural. These anchors are most effective in the first paragraph of a post.

TITLE TAG: These look more natural at the bottom of a post. Most people put these kind of backlinks in the “Resources” section, which will be after your content. Do the same and it looks most natural.

FULL Open URL: These can be used anywhere, but look more natural in the resources section at the bottom of the post. Mix this one up a bit.

Exact Match: I always use these in the first paragraph of the post. The closer to the top of the page the better.

I know this sounds obvious, but I will say it anyway, it is best to save your most powerful blogs for your exact match anchors.

If you are using expired Web 2s or even a PBN for your backlink strategy you will save the blogs with the highest page authority and most backlinks for your exact match anchors. Can be used anywhere, make sure you mix it up to look natural.

Long Tail Random: Again can be used anywhere.

Part Match: Use these anchors anywhere within your content.

Generic: Use these anchors anywhere within the content. They have the most effect at the top of the page.

Long Tail Exact: Use these anywhere, mostly in the upper fold.

LSI Keyword Synonyms: Again these can be used anywhere within the content, make sure you mix them up to make it look natural.

No Text: These are image backlinks. Try to get the image at the top of the post most of the time. Be sure to mix them up and use different images.

Authors Name: Will be from a blog comment. You can drop a few in post “Authors Name” anchors if you want to, however most of these anchors will be from blog comments. You can use these anywhere, they look more natural in the resources section at the bottom of a post.

I am having a lot of success with this strategy at the moment and you can too. Give it a go and let me know how you get on either in the forum or by leaving a comment below 🙂

80 thoughts on “Perfect Anchor Text Ratio”

  1. Hi Nick, could you please tell how many backlinks we can build for a website per day? If I want to rank a website with 5 different internal URL’s should I build 3 links per internal page? totalling to 15 links per day for the whole website.

    Please clarify.

    • At the moment it is better to hit the sites with quality backlinks over a 30 day period. It doesn’t matter how many backlinks you build to site, it matters that you don’t build more than 15 per page per 30 day cycle. Always index those backlinks nice and slow over the 30 days.

      • hello nick i need your help can you check these 2 website and let me know if their anchor text ratio is good or bad

        • looks good, maybe exact match is a little high, however I have sites ranking top with more than 23% exact match.

 looks okay, I would definitely add some long tail anchors in there to make it look a bit more natural…also needs brand anchors and full open URL anchors in there.

          • Thank you for reply back to my question nice but the problem is i have build too many referring domains with external links to both website with anchor rich keywords now i am thinking i should wait for a month or so or continue link building to make the anchor ratio correct.

            • Because I have been asked this a lot lately I am going to do my next post on how to find and remove bad links, it’s very easy to do but will require a tutorial to get it all in there. In the meantime…don’t build anymore links…I will show you what to do in my next post…you will be able to identify all those bad backlinks that are affecting your rank, then you will be able to get rid of them in one swoop.

  2. Hi Nick,
    Suppose I have done overoptimzation and I want to dilute my anchor text. So I can calculate the new anchor text? How many links I need to make and how the current anchor text can be diluted and in what number

    • Hi Rajshekhar, You should have all your backlinks logged in a spreadsheet? I always do this, it is very important to do this. I colour my indexed URL backlinks in green and leave URls that are not indexed black. I also note down the anchor text used on each backlink. If I need to check my anchor text ratio I use my spread sheet and…they usually match up pretty well. This will let you know how many backlinks you have. So if I have 150 backlinks and my exact anchor ratio is 30% this would mean 45 backlinks out of those 150 backlinks use an exact keyword match anchor. Now you can either go back to those blogs and change the anchor….If I wanted to have a 10% exact match anchor ratio I would require 15 of those backlinks to be exact match anchors…therefore I would change 30 of those 45 backlinks to give me a 10% exact match anchor text ratio. The other option is to add more links to reduce your exact match ratio….I know I would need 450 backlinks with 45 backlinks at exact match anchors to get it down to 10%….so I will need to add 300 backlinks…it is much easier to change the anchors on existing backlinks, this is why it is important to keep those details in a spread sheet for future reference.

      • Thanks Nick, I now fully understand how to dilute my anchors. I realized why I am not getting good rankings because of this issue. Thanks once again

        • No problem, hoping to cover most ranking issues right across the site to help you guys rank up. Let me know when you get a number one ranking 🙂

  3. Thanks for putting this post together. It helps.

    Assume I need to increase “brand” type links. I have a old blogspot account with 20 related posts, so those translate into 20 pages.

    If I use a sidebar widget which I have write few sentences about my moneysite and included a brand type backlink, would the 20 backlinks from 20 pages of posts, translate into 20 different backlinks OR 1 backlink, since it is from the same blogspot account?

    lastly, what are your thoughts on leveraging such sidebar widgets to build backlinks if they are coming from pages that have related content as your money page. I am not simply including a backlink, but it is part of 3-5 sentences that talks about the money site.

    thanks in advance

    • No problem FB. That would only translate as 1 low quality backlink….might show as more backlinks on backlink check tools…however Google will only see it as one backlink.

      Utilising the Blogspot sidebar widget will be a quick way to mix up your anchor text ratio over many blogs, perfect if they have related content to your money site.

  4. I still can’t really catch it. For example, the exact match keyword is “tattoo ideas”, the anchor texts used are “small tattoo ideas”, “cool tattoo ideas” and “best tattoo ideas”. They are neither long tail match nor part match, what is the type of keywords like these? Thanks.

    • Hi Rio,

      cool tattoo ideas would be classed as a part match, it’s not long tail however it does have the exact keyword in there, I class it as a part match because it is not exact even though the exact keyword is in there. There are 2 types of part match anchors, one which we have described and the other would be to have your keyword in there like “tattoo drawing ideas” but mixed up.

      All of those keywords are classed as part match. Hope this helps.

      Like I say, it’s not an exact science, as long as you have a mixed anchor profile and your exacth match is not too high you will be okay to rank up. Drop in anchors like you have suggested with long tails and you have a natural looking anchor text profile.

  5. Hi Nick, what do you think about the plural and singular keywords? Let’s say if we target ‘best epilator’ as our main keyword, then ‘best epilator’ is an exact match anchor. How about ‘best epilators’? Do you consider it as an exact match or part match?

        • I will give you an example to explain:

          keyword: best face cream

          Part Match: best all round cream for the face (all keyword is in there, however the words are split).

          Also you could have just two of the words from the keyword in the sentence eg: cream for use on the face (missed off best)

          Mix it up a bit and you will be good to rank 🙂

          Long Tail Exact: best face cream for using on sensitive skin (exact keyword in a long tail sentence).

          • I almost understand all anchor texts, but I’m still a bit blur about one. If the main keyword is “face cream”, and the anchor text is “face cream reviews”. From this example the anchor text is not a long sentence, does it count as a long tail exact or else?

  6. Hello Nick,

    I built my site on the 13th of November 2016. I followed your guide on SEO and all

    My site is sitting on number 51 on google but it seems it is going down now as it was on 48 before this. Also, of all the back links I built, google webmaster is only showing 8 links, it was also 10 links before this

    I had a almost 12 expired tumblr links that are indexed in google but are not showing on google webmaster.

    Please tell me what I am doing wrong

    • Hello, Your site is only one month old so it is going to take a little time to pump it up the SERPs.

      Don’t worry about your backlinks not showing in Google Webmaster tools, it’s most important that the links are indexed in Google search. Have you indexed the backlinks using Google Console? Just pop the URL into Google search to check that it has been indexed. If you are using spun/duplicate content they will not remain indexed, only add quality content to tier 1 sites….if you follow my improve Goolge search ranking tutorial it will help you out here.

      Start building quality Tier 1 backlinks, make sure you use the correct anchor text ratio, make sure you index the links slowly and your site will start to jump up the SERPs.

  7. Please I wish to ask, while using ahrefs to check backlinks, what do we check for , the live or dead and lost links? Should we get all the links or just aim for the live ones that will stick?

    • Just look for the live links, these are the only ones that count right now and will count in the future. If you are doing an anchor text ratio audit for your own site you only need to count the links that are indexed in Google search….forget about ahrefs….only count the links in your profile if they are indexed in Google search…if Google does not know about them then it does not matter what anchor text you use in the backlink.

    • That must be one very long tail keyword you have there. Obviously you would ignore the TITLE TAG anchors and keep exact match at 8% or below. You then need to distribute the remaining 15% to the other anchor text options. As far as I am concerned, Brand anchors can never be too high, I would push Brand anchors up to 35%, I would put FULL Open URL to 11%, to 8%, nudge long tail random anchors up to 8%, part match and generic up to 7%, keep long tail exact at 5%, LSI keyword synonyms up to 6%, Authors Name up to 2% and up to 2%….keep all the rest the same 🙂

  8. Hi nick,
    I would like to let you know that i have tried out the pbn gig you recommended on your previous posts (cheap seo packages & build, rank and bank affiliate sites), the guy did not provide report just as you said. But, the problem is that i don’t have any pingback of those links in the comment section. Though i managed to uncover some of the pbn posts using google. So, should i just sit back and let those links index by themselves or is there any way to go about it??? Thanks in advance

    • The last time I used that gig the same thing happened to me, I did not get any ping backs, which was a little annoying. This is the reply I got from the seller:

      “I can’t give a list of urls, as I would need to in insert a tracking token before posting. The network by default doesn’t list the blog posts.”

      I managed to find most of the backlinks through ahrefs, however it took a lot of time to do so.

      I recommend letting them index naturally.

  9. Nick, am always watching for any new posts…its really a worth to check daily. Now it’s time to talk to you… Can u pls share your Skype need to talk something confidential. Thanks

  10. @Brad, in my own opinnion, i think there is nothing bad in using brand name to be part of links profile. The reason is because i have seen lots of authority sites having high percent of brand name, though in some variations, in their backlink profiles. If you check the profiles, using, of sites like,,,,, (owned by Tung of, (owned by Perin, a student of Spencer of, etc, you will discover that they all have high percentage of brand names in their anchor text distribution. And, i don’t think they have being pernalize for having lots of brand names in their profiles.

    • Brad was just suggesting not to use brand anchors on an EMD, this will cause exact match anchor over optimisation.

      Building a brand is the safe way to go these days, staying away from EMD is a good idea to future proof your site.

      You are correct, make sure you have a high brand anchor text ratio, I like to stay around 30% and Mr G loves it.

  11. Thanks for this prompt response. Its only the web 2.0 backlinks i built by myself and i used naked url, random words and exact match a little. But the pbn links was outsourced on fiverr which i have close to zero control. If i may ask, is advisable to build 60 pbn links to a page and index them under a month???

    • I have done it, you need to be prepared for your site to jump around the SERPs a lot if you index a lot of backlinks fast. Your site might even drop from the SERPs, however it will return when everything settles down. If you index 2 links per day you will be okay, it’s only when you index say 20 backlinks per day you will see lots of SERP movement like I explained.

      You can build 60 pbn in a month without any problems if you index 2 a day.

    • No problem Malvin, avoid exact match anchors to start off with. Only drop them in there if you need a little boost. Go with long tail anchors. Let me know how you get on 🙂

  12. Hey Nick, went through the guide myself and I can tell you that I was following your web 2.0 backlink strategy and the anchor text technique listed in there. It didn’t get me very far in the SERPS, maybe did something wrong. So, to repair the damage, can I go back and change the anchor text ratio?

    Also, when I put my page in SEO spyglass it says that there are no backlinks pointing to my site. Should I count the percentage of the anchor text myself or there is some tools for that?

    Also, what if I build my backlinks through seoclerk gig, should I give him these pointers on how he should use the anchor text ratio?

    One more thing- If I use your tutorial for ranking website with free backlinks, should I use this patter of anchor text also? I mean, we hardly build like 50 web 2.0’s there, so there is no too much space to play with the anchor text ratio? And in the 2nd tier web 2.0 where we link to all the 5 tier 1 web 2.0’s, we use 5 different anchor texts in one post, right?

    • Yes you can go back and change the anchor text ratio, I had to do it for the Cheap SEO Packages post which was low in the SERPs….was on page three I think. Then I lowered the exact match anchors and the site is now ranked no. 2 in the SERPs and is heading towards no. 1.

      Count your anchor text ratio by which sites are indexed in Google. Doesn’t matter how many backlink seo spyglass can find, it’s the number of backlinks that Google knows about that counts. Pop each URL into Google search, if they are indexed count them in, if they are not indexed don’t count that anchor.

      If you are using seo clerk services for backlinks then you will need to give them this anchor text ratio. If you can’t change the anchor text because someone else built the backlinks for you then you are going to have to build more backlinks to counter balance the exact match anchors.

      Definintely use this anchor text ratio on all backlink campaigns, start off without any exact match anchors at all, play it nice and safe and index those backlinks nice and slow. Build quality and not quantity, I know you see that a lot, but it is true. My improve Google search ranking is the right way to do things. Build assets, add good quality content to your web 2.0 sites with around 1000 words on there, these backlinks will stick and your rank will too.

      In the link wheel you will use different anchors to link all sites up, select long tail anchors from your content, anyhting random will do 🙂 Also make sure a few of the sites get exact match anchors, mix it up.

      • I plan to go with that strategy now. I’ll mix some things up. Like, I will not use exact match anchor in the first link wheel. Than in month 2 I will add 1 or maybe 2 exact match anchors.

        I’ve never used wiki links like you did for pumpering the web 2.0s, should I worry about anchor text than or they are different links?

    • In this case I’d stick with and rather than using brand anchors. Otherwise you’re going to trigger over optimization penalties. Personally, I haven’t used an EMD in years. Relevant brandable domains work just as well and are less risky if you ask me.

      • Thanks Brad, you always answer my questions 🙂 I will follow your advice go for the URL anchors.

        There are some case studies stated that EMD still works. For example, Incomebully. I would go for EMD if it’s possible. I don’t mean like which sounds unprofessional. I will go for if it’s available. It’s more professional and the search volume surely is higher. Depending on the niches of course.

    • An EMD is your exact match anchor, this means you can’t do the brand anchors. Replace brand anchors with long tail random anchors, use complete random words each time that does not contain your keywords. So for the keyword “best electric shaver” if I had the URL I would use long tail random anchors in place of brand anchors like “easy way to remove hair from my legs” or “how I stopped ingrown hairs”.

      The top work boots example above uses an EMD, they use a lot of long tail anchors. You can also throw in some extra TITLE TAG anchors in there 🙂

  13. Hi nick,
    Thanks for this fabulous post. Now i know reason why my website got stock at page 3 for the target keyword despite good on-page. I think gives more % of anchor distribution than, because (of course, the keyword used is “best humidifier”), is part of the sites check on in the research i did few weeks ago, and it has exact match of 13% and partial match of 3% according to However, this post comes at the right time for me. Nick, i have some questions, thus;
    1. How do i correct exact match of 33% with over 80 backlinks so far???

    2. When is the best time to build exact match anchor, the early or late stage of link building???
    Instant reply will brings hope. Thanks in advance

    P.s: Brad your opinnion on those those two questions will be appreciated.

    • No problem Kayode. I used ahrefs and SEO Spyglass to check the anchors, both showed very similar profiles so I went with that. This is a loose guide, but it should put you on the right track.

      1. So around 26 backlinks are exact match anchors. You have 2 options. If you have built the backlinks yourself you can go back and change the anchors…to get exact match down to 8% you need to change 20 anchors…leaving 6 exact match anchors. Your second option is to build more backlinks, you need to have 250 backlinks to have a 10% exact match anchor text profile, this means you are going to need to build 170 more backlinks. You can get this many backlinks really quickly using seo clerk gigs, however you must index them slowly. Your cheapest and fastest option is to change the anchors on the backlinks that you already have.

      2. Start you link building with long tail anchors using TITLE TAG and URLs and randon long tails. Don’t build exact match anchors in the early stage, wait and track your rank, if you think all is going well after a 3 to 4 weeks and you are sat at the top of page 2 then drop an exact match in there to push you onto page 1.

      • Nick, how to use SEO spyglass for checking the anchor text ratio? When I check the homepage, the result shows me all urls that got backlinks instead of the homepage itself. There is no problem when I tried with the post url, but I’m not sure if where I’m looking at is correct. I view the anchor text ratio at Backlink Profile>Anchors & Pages>Anchor Texts. Am I correct?

        • Down the left hand side menu you will see “Backlink Profile” underneath you will see “Anchors & Pages” click on that and you will see all anchors for the homepage. It will also show you the anchor text profile under the summary tab, if it is not showing anything for the homepage then it can’t find any backlinks to the homepage for that domain.

          To find out if the site homepage has any backlinks click on the “Anchors & Pages” tab and then select “Linked Pages”….this will show you the no. of backlinks that point to each page on the site. If the homepage URL is not on the list, it will not feature any anchors.

  14. Hi Nick,
    You actually solved my whole problem and I now I am very comfortable with creating backlinks and it will be far easier for me to get ranked for my websites.
    Thanks once again mate.

    • No problem Rajshekhar, this anchor text ratio will keep your site safe….keep exact match anchors low at the beginning of your campaign….only drop them in there if you think they are needed. The algorithm update in September time 2016 meant a few changes that I needed you guys to know about.

  15. Awesome post, Nick.

    This is similar to what I’ve been doing lately. Seems just under 10% exact is the sweet spot. And I’ve been using a good number of URL, brand, and long tail phrases as well.

    Hoping to reach page 1 for some new keywords by the new year. We’ll see how it goes.

    • Thanks Brad. I think the best thing to do is go for long tail anchors…well your TITLE TAG mostly with your exact keyword in there. When you start a project it is best to miss out exact match, use URL and TITLE TAG and long tail anchors only, then drop exact match in there only if there are needed to hit the top spot.

      If you use this strategy you are sure to hit the first page quicker than you normally would, everything looks more natural.

      Let me know how it goes 🙂

  16. Great post Nick.One of my niche site had 35% t match Keyword as anchor.At first it ranked on 11 th spot but when i send some exact match anchor links the site slipped into third page ?.Now,i have to build links in the above mentioned anchor text patterns to get rank into first page right ?

    • Yeah that’s right…35% is a little too high these days for exact match…certainly for relatively new sites anyway. Go ahead and get some long tail random anchors and your site will shoot back up the SERPs. Remember, don’t index too many backlinks per day, it will hurt your site. Stick to 3 backlinks per post and follow the ratio above and you will be good to rank on the first page again 🙂


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