
80 – DA 100 and PR 10 Manual Authority Backlinks with EDU LINKS

Original price was: $80.00.Current price is: $35.00.


We are going to build you 80 very high authority backlinks.

The backlink metrics

These links are very powerful at pushing rankings.

All languages are accepted and we do not use any software. All the work is 100% manual.

These links are top quality and come from very high authority websites.

These links will get crawled by Google bot and will affect your Google keyword rankings.

We will provide a full backlink report sent to your email address when the work is complete.

We will work on any website and in any language.

What we need from you:

At the checkout give us the following details….

  1. Your Website URL
  2. Your Keywords

Delivery Time: 4 Days


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