How to reduce MOZ Spam Score and Improve Your Website’s SEO

Your website’s SEO is crucial for ranking higher in search engines and generating traffic. Amongst the factors that determine your website’s rank in search engines, the MOZ Spam Score is an essential factor. It is a metric that shows the likelihood of your website being penalized or banned by Google due to spammy or low-quality links. A higher spam score means your website is at a higher risk of being labeled as spam by Google, which can significantly impact your website’s SEO. So, reducing your website’s MOZ Spam Score is necessary to improve your website’s SEO, and in this article, we will explore how to achieve that.

What you need to know about your MOZ Spam Score…

1. Identify Low-Quality Links and Remove Them

One of the effective ways to reduce your MOZ Spam Score is to identify low-quality links and remove them. Low-quality links include links from irrelevant and low-quality websites, paid links, and links with low domain authority. Google penalizes websites that have low-quality links as they consider that the website is attempting to manipulate search rankings. By analyzing your website’s links, you can identify the low-quality links and contact the site owners and request them to remove the links.

2. Disavow Low-Quality Links

In some cases, you can’t remove the low-quality links by contacting the site owners. That’s when you can opt for the disavow tool. The disavow tool is a feature in Google Search Console that allows you to tell Google to ignore specific links pointing to your website. When you disavow a link, Google will not consider that link when assessing your website’s spam score. However, use the disavow tool with caution as it’s a powerful tool and should only be used when necessary.

View your website MOZ Spam Score results

3. Improve Website Content

Another way to reduce your MOZ Spam Score is to improve your website’s content. High-quality and relevant content attracts high-quality links, which, in turn, can improve your website’s SEO and spam score. Ensure your website’s content is unique, well-researched, and informative, as it can increase your website’s credibility and organic traffic from search engines.

4. Evaluate Your Internal Linking Structure

Your internal linking structure is a crucial element of your website’s SEO and spam score. Internal links are links from one page of your website to another page on your website. Make sure your website’s internal linking structure is logical and useful for users as Google considers it while assessing your website’s spam score. Also, avoid internal links that lead to irrelevant or low-quality pages on your website.

5. Monitor Your Spam Score Regularly

Lastly, make sure you monitor your website’s spam score regularly. The MOZ Spam Score fluctuates over time, and it’s essential to keep an eye on it to ensure that your website’s spam score is low. Track the score using a tool such as MOZ and take action when it increases.


Reducing your website’s spam score is a continuous process that requires time and effort. Through removing low-quality links, improving website content, evaluating internal links, disavowing links, and monitoring spam score regularly, you can significantly reduce your website’s spam score and improve your website’s SEO. This, in turn, can lead to higher rankings in search engines, more organic traffic, and, ultimately, more conversions. So, take the necessary steps today to reduce your website’s MOZ spam score and improve your website’s overall SEO.

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