Free Blog Content Generator

So you need a free blog content generator for your Tumblr backlinks because you don’t have the time to write it.

I am going to show you how to generate unique content with free online tools.

You can post this content to Tumblr, or any web 2.0 site to get contextual backlinks to your money site really quickly.

Now I need some content for 10 Tumblr backlinks from expired Tumblr blogs. I want these backlinks to point to my Amazon affiliate site project.

If you want to know how to get expired Tumblr blogs for free with lots of backlinks pointing to them take a look at my web 2.0 backlinks post.

I want to get backlinks to my “Emjoi epilator reviews” post, which is on my epilator Amazon affiliate site.

I am going to walk you through it step by step.

Free Blog Content Generator

This is what you are going to learn;

  • What are the best free online article title generators
  • What are the best free online article generators
  • What is the best free online article spinner to use

Let’s crank out 10 articles.

First of all open up your favourite word processing software. I am going to use Microsoft Word, you could also use the free alternative that is Open Office.

I want to make sure that everything if free to use here 🙂

Free Blog Content Generator

Step 1: Generate 10 Article Titles

We are going to use two free online article title generators, each one gives 5 titles for free.

First of all we are going to use SEO Pressor article title generator, open it up in your preferred browser.

Open up SEO Pressor Blog Title Generator

Enter your keyword, mine is “emjoi epilator reviews”. Now select a description from the drop down menu that best describes your keyword. My keyword is a “Brand/Product”, so that is what I have selected.

Then hit the “Generate Titles” button.

Then you will be presented with 5 SEO Pressor blog Title's to use for free

Then you will be presented with 5 compelling blog Titles including your keyword absolutely free.

Copy and paste your 5 free blog titles into your word processor

Highlight the Titles and copy and paste them into your word processor document. You will have something like this. How easy was that, you have 5 blog Titles for free in just a few clicks of a mouse button.

We need 10 blog titles, so let’s switch over to our next free online blog title article generator.

Now open up the Hub Spot blog topic generator in another browser window.

Enter your keyword into the Hub Spot free article title generator

Enter your keyword and hit the “Give Me Blog Topics!” button.

You will now have 10 free blog article titles to use absolutely free

Highlight the blog titles and copy and paste them into your word processor document.

You will now have 10 article titles to use. How fast was that. Certainly beats writing them yourself, and the best part is that they are all different and all contain your selected keyword in there.

Step 2: Generate 10 Pieces Of Content

Now we have our article Titles ready to roll, we need to add come content to them. This is where our first free blog content generator comes into play.

We are going to use 2 free online content generators. I will use a free online text spinner to make the content unique, after all we want them to index in Google search don’t we 🙂

Go ahead and open up the Full Content RSS Article Generator in a new browser window.

Open up the free online article generator

Enter your selected keyword in the “keyword” field, select your language and make sure that you have “keep original” selected, then hit the “Submit” button.

Then you will be presented with your 3 free articles

You will then be presented with 3 articles all related to your selected keyword.

We now need to spin the 3 articles.

Open up this free online article spinner in another browser.

Copy and paste the first article into the free article spinner.

Pop the article into the free online article spinner

Answer the math question, select the “Also Spin Capitalized Words” tab and enter your keyword that the spinner should not spin/change. Then hit the “Spin Text” button.

Now copy and past the “Output Text” underneath your first title in your word processor document.

You now have one article complete

You now have 10 article titles and one piece of unique content.

Now repeat this process for the other two articles.

Copy and paste the second article into the text spinner. Now copy and paste the output text underneath the second article title.

Now copy the third article, paste it into the article spinner and copy and past the output text underneath your third title.

Now you have three unique articles for posting onto Tumblr in super fast time.

Let’s get some more free articles using our second free blog content generator.

Go ahead and open up in another browser window.

open up the free online article generator

Enter your keyword in the “keyword” field and hit the “Generate Articles” tab.

It is the same process as before.

Copy and paste the first article into the free online article spinner.

Then copy and paste the output text under the fourth heading in your word processing document.

Do the same for the fifth and sixth article.

We now have 10 headings and 6 articles.

We need 4 more articles. I am going to use again. Go back to the homepage and enter a different spin on your keyword, I am just going to simply enter “epilator reviews”. That will give me three more articles.

Now I have 10 titles and 9 pieces of content absolutely free. I will use for my final article. I will enter another related keyword into the system to get another set of articles. I will spin them and copy and paste them into my word processing document.

Now you will have 10 article titles complete with 10 pieces of unique content in your word processing software.

How fast was that, 10 pieces of unique content ready to post to your Tumblr blog for a sweet backlink to boost your site up the SERPs.

We are not quite finished yet though. We need to go through the content and add our anchor text in there.

Step 3: Add Anchor Text To The Content

Now we need to add our anchor text to the content.

This is what I use every time, it works really well;

  1. Exact keyword match anchor
  2. URL
  3. Click Here

So in 10 articles I had 4 exact match anchors, 3 URL anchors and 3 Random text anchors (click here).

Add Your Anchor Text To The Articles

Now you have 10 complete articles including your anchor text.

I always highlight my anchor text in red, this makes it easier to post to Tumblr. You are not having to search where you intended to put your link back to your money site this way.

Step 4: Post Your Content To Tumblr

I have loads of expired Tumblr blogs with lots of backlinks ready to roll.

Go ahead and log into Tumblr

Log into Tumblr and click on the little pencil icon at the top right of your screen.

Now select the text post icon

You know the drill. Now select the “Text” icon to start adding your content to your expired Tumblr blog with lots of backlinks.

Head on over to your word processing document and copy and paste your first title into Tumblr.

Now add your blog title to Tumblr

Add your first blog title, pop in your custom URL by clicking on the “Tools” icon and enter your tags at the bottom (your exact keyword will be the tag).

Now head back on over to your word processing document and copy and paste the content of your first article into Tumblr Text area.

Now add your link into your Tumblr post

Highlight your anchor text, click on the link icon and insert the link back to your money site.

Now add a sub heading into your Tumblr post

Next I like to add a sub heading into my Tumblr post. This goes right below the first paragraph. I make sure the sub heading includes my selected keyword.

Now add a related image to your Tumblr post

Now add a related image to your Tumblr post. I like to add an image underneath the second paragraph. Hit “Enter” on your keyboard to create a new text line, then click the plus button, then click on the little camera image button. Select an image to insert into your Tumblr post.

Add your image into the Tumblr post

Now we have a Tumblr post including your unique title and URL, a sub heading, the content with backlink to your money site and a related image. The last thing to do before we post the content live is embed a related video into the content.

Head on over to

Find a related video and copy the URL of the YouTube video from your browser window.

Now add a related video to your Tumblr post

Add the video the same way you did the image. Press “Enter” on your keyboard to create a new line, then click the little plus icon and select the little video icon. Now paste the youtube video URL into the post.

You can add your keyword a few more times into the content if you want to up your keyword density.

Make sure that your keyword appears at the top, middle and bottom of your content.

Now post your content to Tumblr

Hit the “Post” button and get your free backlink from Tumblr.

Step 5: Get That Backlink Indexed

There is no point building backlinks to your money site if you do not bother to index them.

Google needs to know that your backlinks exist for them to have any effect on your ranking.

The fastest way to get a Tumblr backlink indexed in Google search is to use Google console.

You need a Google account to do this, they are free to sign up for, so go and do that now if you do not have one.

Add URL to Google search index results page

Head on over to Google and search “add url to google”. Then click on the top search result.

Go ahead and add your URL to Google search console

Enter your Tumblr URL into the search console and hit the “Submit Request” button.

If it is a new Tumblr blog you will need to input the Tumblr URL home page and the Tumblr URL post page.

If the home page is already indexed in Google search, just enter your Tumblr post URL.

Next you need to make sure that your backlink has been indexed in Google search.

Head back over to Google and enter your Tumblr URL into Google search.

If your Tumblr URL appears in Google search results your Tumblr is indexed and Google is aware of the new backlink to your money site.

Sometimes it takes a few minutes for your Tumblr URL to appear in the Google search index.

If it does not appear after 5 minutes then it is now going to. This means that you have a Spam expired Tumblr or web 2.0 blog.

Not to worry, it does happen.

It’s not the content that is the problem, it is the Tumblr domain.

It’s easy to get the same content posted onto anoter Tumblr domain.

Simply visit the Tumblr URL that did not index and click on the “Reblog” icon in the top right hand corner of your browser window.

Simply post the same content to another Tumblr URL. Then try to index that Tumblr URL.

Very few expired Tumblr blogs do not index at all, this will be rare.

That is how you create content super fast to post on your Tumblr blogs for backlinks.

Obviously you can use this tactic to generate content for any web 2.0 site, you can even use it to create content fast for your self hosted PBN sites.

Premium Content Creation

That’s the free way to create content for your online properties for backlinks.

The paid way, which is highly effective, is to use

This lovely tool will save your loads of time. It will create content for you based around any keyword within minutes. It will generate highly spun content that is completely unique and readable.

The tool even lets you save your campaigns to the cloud, this way you can drop the content onto your online properties whenever you need to.

You can actually create thousands of unique articles with a few clicks of the mouse, just think how much time this is going to save you in the long run.

This is what makes Kontent Machine so good and worth the money

This bad boy even has an auto blogger feature, it will drop the content on your blog network on auto pilot, how cool is that.

Take a look at how you can generate content really fast with Kontent Machine;

The tool will even find and embed videos into the content for you on auto pilot. The same with images too.

There is a content spinner built into the tool which is completely free to use.

It does not generate content good enough for use on a money site, however it is certainly good enough to use on your PBN of self hosted and web 2.0 sites.

This is not an online content generator, it is a desktop based software.

It’s actually not that expensive considering how many work hours it is going to save you over the years, just have a think about that for a minute. This is great little investment.

You can pay monthly or buy a lifetime user licence.

If you are just starting out in internet marketing then I suggest you use my free method above until you gain enough money to get this great tool.

As soon as you have the funds it is definitely something worth buying, just for the fact it saves you loads of time.

Combine the Kontent Machine tool with expired Tumblr backlinks and you are set to rank fast. You can be building Tumblr backlinks faster than you can scrape the blogs.

A free blog content generator will only take you so far, they are limited on the articles that they can return on any one subject.

The Kontent Machine will certainly change the way you work.

169 thoughts on “Free Blog Content Generator”

  1. Wow, that’s an extremely useful blog. You can also utilize Free Codetru, which is supplied by Software Development, for content rewriting. The Paraphrase Generator is an artificial intelligence-based software that rewrites information in a short amount of time and produces powerful and distinctive content.

    • That’s going to happen when a lot of people are using the same free options. A good spinner will help and mixing up the articles taking parts from each to make a new one will work too.

    • Depends on how unique it is and if it is optimized for a top ranking. There is no reason why it can’t make money if in the right hands.

    • It certainly helps to have a resource to draw upon when you can’t write content. After the content is generated you can rewrite it in your own words or spin it to make many more articles.

    • No problem at all, glad you found the information useful and that it has saved you time from writing content 🙂

  2. Hi Nick, It’s a great post for me like the newcomers in the SEO field. Can you suggest me that how can I create unique content for my money site? Because before the backlinks setup, I have to make ready my money site right? I have a plan to set up a tech blog. Thanks in advance – RONI

  3. Hello
    I am a student in SEO and all material used in the Rankers Paradise blog is very high standard helping me ranking one of my blog posts to number 1 in Google. I used this free content to speed things up, thanks for sharing.

    • Sure does, and you can use free online spinners and spintax inserters to turn one free piece of content into many others.

    • It’s good to be able to generate decent content to publish on websites that are going to backlink to yours to help your website rank higher in the search engines.


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