How To Index Backlinks In Minutes Fast In Google

I am going to show you how to index your backlinks fast in Google.

This only takes a few minutes to complete and it works 100% of the time.

The process involves using Google properties to have your backlinks crawled and indexed.

When a Google bot crawls your links they will index, but how do you get Google to crawl your links?

You use Google tools, which then get your links noticed and crawled.

If your links do not index using this method, then you know 100% that they are not going to index at all.

If they do not index, change the content, completely remove and replace and follow the steps below again.

I have tried and tested this method, it works every time.

Since Google removed the force index tool this is the next best option.

Okay, let’s get started.

How To Index Backlinks In Minutes Fast In Google Step by Step

First of all, you need to know why you need to index your backlinks.

What Is Google Indexing?

For the website to be considered as indexed, it needs to be featured in the Google search results pages when you search for that domain name.

How to check if your website is indexed in Google?

Simply drop your website URL into the Google Search Engine.

What Is Google Indexing

Hit the “Google Search” button.

Is Your URL Website Indexed in Google

If your URL appears in the Google results pages, as shown above, then it is indexed.

Do not worry if your URL does not appear, I am going to show you how to get them indexed quickly.

This works for PBN backlinks, web 2.0 backlinks, any kind of URL with a backlink.

If the site is going to index, this will get it done and will do it quickly.

I am going to use this method to index a WordPress web 2.0 backlink.

The website is:

Backlink and Website to Index

There are a few different things you can do, you will probably only need to cover step one.

The trick is to get Google bot to crawl your website and find the backlinks, to do this you need to use Google properties.

How To Index Backlinks In Minutes Fast In Google Guide

There are 4 different ways to force the Google spider to crawl your websites to find and index the backlinks:

  1. Use Blogger – backlinks to backlinks
  2. Use Google Page Speed Insights
  3. Use Google Mobile-Friendly Test
  4. Use the Google Structured Data Testing Tool

This way, you guarantee that a Google spider will crawl your website and find the links.

If the links do not index this way, it is because the content is not good enough and they are never going to index.

Change the content on the site and retry this method.

The links will index fast, in minutes.

I will run through each method step by step so you can get it done exactly as I do it.

Index Your Backlinks Using Blogger

If you don’t know how to index backlinks then this is going to help you big time.

If Google does not know that your links exist, they are worthless and will not improve your website ranking.

I am going to show you how to index backlinks fast, it takes just a few minutes of your time.

You will need a Google Webmaster Account to get this done.

Make sure it is a different Google account to where your money site (the site your backlinks point to) is verified (in Search Console).

This method gets the job done 100% of the time, if the links are going to index, this will do it.

First of all, you are going to require a Blogger Blog.

Head on over to and set up your account, or sign in.

For details on how to start and set up your Blogger blog follow the link.

The post also shows you how to make your first blog post.

Once you have your blog set up and ready to roll, it’s time to make a post.

Add New Blogger Post

Click the “New post” button.

Add Backlink in Blogger Post

Add some content to the blog post. You can use a free blog content generator to get the job done.

Make sure you add a backlink into the post to the URL you want to get indexed in Google.

As you can see, I used a full URL anchor, you can use any anchor you want to use.

This is for indexing purposes only, so it doesn’t really matter too much.

Go ahead and publish the post.

The next step is super important.

This is how you are going to get the Google spider to crawl your new post and have it find and index your backlink.

Go to your Google Webmaster Tools Account (Search Console).

Make sure the account does not have your money website (the site your backlinks point to) in there.

It must be the same Google account that you used to create the Blogger Blog with.

You must add your Google Blogger property to your Google Webmaster Tools account.

To do this you must do the following:

Verify Blogger Google Property

Add Your Google Blogger URL into the “URL prefix” section and hit the “CONTINUE” button.

Google Ownership Verified

Next, you will see “Ownership auto verified” pop up, now click “GO TO PROPERTY”.

The next step is to get your Blogger Blog indexed, this will get the Google spider to crawl your Blogger Blog and discover and index those backlinks.

In the “Inspect any URL in “your blogger blog” website” copy and paste your Blogger Blog post URL.

Then hit the “Search” icon.

Blogger Website Indexing Requested

This will retrieve data from the Google index.

Request Indexing

Now click the “REQUEST INDEXING” button.

You will see “Testing if live URL can be indexed” pop up.

Website Indexing Requested

Next, you will see the “Indexing requested” pop up, hit the “GOT IT” button.

Now go to Google to check if the URL has been indexed, it will be done in minutes.

How To Check Your Backlink Is Indexed

BOOM, by Blogger blog post, was indexed fast.

Did Google spider index my backlink? Let’s find out (the URL that was inside the Blogger post).

Did Google Index My Backlink

It sure did, and best of all, the content was generated.

Now that Google knows that my backlinks exist it will have an impact on my website ranking.

Do not worry if this does not get your link indexed, you can also do the next three steps to get it done.

If it does not index after doing the next three steps then it’s not going to happen, so go and change the content, or do another backlink on another site.

Don’t waste time messing about here, if these steps don’t work, move on and do another backlink from another site.

The Blogger hack works every time for me.

You can drop more than one link into each Blogger post.

Use Google Page Speed Insights Tool To Index Your Backlinks

Most of the time, a backlink to your backlinks from Blogger will get them indexed.

Now I am going to show you how to index backlinks fast in Google, this is without having to create more backlinks.

This takes a few minutes and works really well.

However, if the Blogger hack did not work, go ahead and do the following.

This way is fast and does not require any Google Accounts.

You are using free to use Google tools that will force a Google spider to crawl the site you want to index.

The first Google tool that you can use is called Google Page Speed Insights.

First of all, head on over to the Google Page Speed Insights tool.

How To Use Google Page Speed Insights

Drop the URL that you want to index into the tool and hit the “ANALYZE” button.

Wait for the analysis to complete, it will take less than a few minutes.

After the analysis has completed you will get a Google speed score for your website.

This means a Google spider has crawled the website where your backlink sits.

Google Page Speed Score

That’s it, wait a few minutes and go and check if that has got your URL indexed.

While you wait you can do the following steps to ensure your backlinks are indexed in Google SERP’s.

Use Google Mobile-Friendly Test To Index Your Backlinks

Now you can use another Google tool to help index your backlinks.

Use the Google Mobile-Friendly tool to have your site crawled by a Google spider.

First of all, head on over to the Google Mobile-Friendly Test Tool. It’s free to use and no Google Account is required.

How To Use Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Pop the URL that you want to index in Google SERP’s into the tool, hit the “TEST URL” button.

A Google spider will go and crawl your website to test if it is mobile-friendly or not.

Wait a few minutes while your website is being analyzed.

Google Mobile-Friendly Test Results

When the results page pops up you know that your URL has been crawled.

You can move onto the next step before you go ahead and check if the URL has been indexed or not.

Use the Google Structured Data Testing Tool To Index Your Backlinks

This is the final tool that you can use to have a Google spider crawl your website.

Head on over to the Google Structured Data Testing Tool.

How To Use Google Structured Data Testing Tool

Drop the URL that you want to index in Google into the tool and hit the “RUN TEST” button.

Wait for the tool to analyze your URL, this ensures the Google spider has crawled the site.

Google Structured Data Testing Tool results

When you see the results page you are done.

You can go ahead and pop your URL into Google to check that it has been indexed.

If not, you can drop the URL onto social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

However, if it’s not indexed after going through the 4 steps above, then it’s highly unlikely that it is going to index at all.

You can either change the content and repeat the steps or go ahead and build more links.

The Blogger post will index backlinks in minutes, the actual blog post on Blogger will index almost instantly using Google Console.

Usually, you will only need to complete step 1 to get your backlinks indexed in Google search.

21 thoughts on “How To Index Backlinks In Minutes Fast In Google”

  1. Hello, Nick
    Thank you so much for this blog. My question is how to index bulk backlinks with without any kind of google search console. I just want to know google hacks.

    • Drop all the URLs onto a page on an indexed web 2 or Blogger blog. Put the keyword/keywords in the page/post TITLE and drop all the URLs into the body/content area. You do not need to add any content/words to the page, only the URLs.

    • Sure, all social media is good. You know that the big social sites are going to be crawled often and your links will be discovered. If you have a Twitter page/feed that is indexed all the better.

    • Sure, I purposely use Blogger because you can add the property to Google console and have the new posts crawled and the backlinks indexed. It is not possible to add a Google Sites property to Google console.

  2. the Blogger link. Thanks for sharing this issue of indexing backlinks has been doing my head in for a while now. This came just at the right time for me, genius.

  3. Hello Nick,
    Thank you so much for sharing, I have too many web2s as tier 2 and I wonder if it is safe to link to them from the same blogger account

  4. Hi Bro , I’m a fan eversince you started your blog. I remember those days reading your expired web 2.0 case study. Is it still working? I didn’t try it for sometime. Thanks for the tips in indexing 🙂

  5. Hello Nick,

    I am following this strategy:

    I am using:

    1. Blogger – as the main backlink for the dofollow link juice (anchor text = Exact match);
    2. you tube – as tier 1 as per your suggestion (anchor text = Bitly as opposed to a full naked url); &
    3. – as tier 1 as for additional backlink (anchor text = long tail exact match)

    I have checked on google and all 3 backlinks have been indexed.

    However, when I check on GWMT I notice that it is only picking up on the blogger backlink, but not on the youtube or Have you experienced this problem before? I would have thought that GWMT would be the best backlink checker as it a google product. Any advice or comments would be most appreciated.

    • Hi Jess, it doesn’t matter if the links do not show in GWMT or any other checker like SEM Rush or AHREFS. The main thing is that the URL’s show in the SERP’s when you search for the full URL. If they are indexed, then Google Bot knows they exist, your vote is counted and your rankings will improve, keep the links flowing at a steady rate and you will hit the top.

  6. Worked for me, only needed the Blogger link. Thanks for sharing this issue of indexing backlinks has been doing my head in for a while now. This came just at the right time for me, genius.

    • That’s great, glad you found it useful and got your backlinks indexed on Google. Most of the time the Blogger link is all you need, the Blogger post will index instantly using Google Webmaster Tools, the bot will crawl that page and find and index your links, works a treat.


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