Image Sharing Sites For SEO

Image Sharing Sites For SEOToday I am going to reveal the top image sharing sites for SEO purposes.

Every website needs to have a diverse backlink profile.

To ensure you have a varied and natural looking backlink profile you need backlinks from images.

Of course, you also require blog comment backlinks, contextual backlinks, profile backlinks, social backlinks and the rest.

I am going to show you how to get an image backlink from Tumblr and WordPress.

I also reveal a huge list of image share sites right below, so keep reading……

You can get image backlinks from many web 2.0 platforms.

You may have noticed many sites ranking high using many <no text> backlinks.

A noText backlink is where you get a backlink from an image and leave the image ALT TAG empty.

These kind of backlinks are great for new posts/sites.

You can get these backlinks right away and are perfect for those people out there that are unsure about what anchor text ratio to use.

Remember, if you add an ALT TAG to your image, the ALT TAG will be deemed as your anchor text.

Image Sharing Sites For SEO

There are many image sharing sites out there, however many of them do not allow a backlink from the image itself.

Many image sharing sites allow you to post your image, but you must get a backlink from the image description area, this is not what we want.

Here we are looking to get a backlink from the image itself.

I am going to show you how to do this below.

Now you can go ahead and rank your site top with all those lovely <no text> backlinks you see all your competitors getting.

I am going to give you a list of some image sharing sites right now, then we are going to go ahead and get a few image backlinks from Tumblr and WordPress.

In my tutorial I will get the image backlinks to point to this post.

Free image sharing sites list:


You can go ahead and sign up for these sites right now for free and get those backlinks in place.

This is a time-consuming process, the good news is that we can get these backlinks for you.

We will submit your site for backlinks from all the 70 sites listed above using our service in the Rankers Paradise store.

If you buy image backlinks from us we will ensure you get the best possible promotion for your site from image shares.

Like I said earlier, you can get image backlinks from web 2.0 sites.

Web 2.0 submission sites list for image backlinks:

  1. WordPress
  2. Tumblr
  3. Weebly
  4. Beep
  5. Yolasite
  7. Jimdo
  9. Strikingly

We use these web 2.0 platforms because they are less likely to drop.

Also, we have a good mix of dofollow and nofollow platforms there.

As you know, for your backlink profile to look natural you need dofollow and nofollow links.

Do not shy away from those backlinks that are nofollow, they are just as important as the dofollow backlinks.

Right, let’s get some image backlinks in place.

Getting an image backlink is very easy to do, I will walk you through the process on Tumblr and WordPress web 2 platforms.

We will start with Tumblr, here we go…..

Tumblr Image Backlink

If you do not have a Tumblr account yet go ahead and sign up for one here.

If you already have one, log in and we can get started.

I am going to drop the image backlinks to this post, so I am going to set up a new Tumblr and WordPress account with my keyword “image sharing sites for SEO” in the subdomain URL.

Obviously you are going to require an image for the backlink to come from.

Take an image from your site, or whatever you want.

I am going to use two different images, each one is going to have my exact keyword in the file name.

I am not going to add the Image ALT TAG, therefore I am going to get two <no text> backlinks.

If you want to have an anchor associated with the backlink then go ahead and add the image ALT TAG.

Right, now you have your images we are ready to get them posted onto the web 2 platforms.

Click Image Share Icon

Go ahead and click the pencil icon (circled red) in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Select Photo Icon

Click on the photo icon (circled red).

Select Upload Photo Image

Go ahead and click on the “upload photos” section.

Then select your image from your computer……

Hover Mouse Over Link Icon

Now hover your mouse over your image and the small link icon will appear (circled red).

Go ahead and click on the link icon.

Add Link URL to Your Image

Add the URL that you want the image to link to and go ahead and hit the “done” button.

Add some content near the image

You can go ahead and add some content underneath your image.

As you can see, I dropped my exact keyword underneath the image and also added my keyword into the TAG.

You can add more content if you like, I normally just add a sentence or two, as above.

Go ahead and hit the “Post” button (circled red).

That’s it, you now have a <no text> image backlink from Tumblr.

To get the permalink for your image post on Tumblr you need to do the following.

Go to your Tumblr blog homepage.

You can see the one I did here:

Get Image Share Permalink Tumblr

From your Tumblr blog homepage go and hover your mouse curser over the three dots underneath your image post.

You will then see the menu as shown in the image above, click on “Permalink”.

This will take you to your Tumblr image post page.

You can see the one I did here:

That’s all you need to do.

There you have it, one image backlink in place all set to rank your website up.

If you want to, you can go ahead and use Google console to index your new backlink.

Right, Tumblr done, let’s get an image backlink from the WordPress web 2.0 platform.

Don’t forget to test your Tumblr image link 🙂

WordPress Image Backlink

For this you are going to need a WordPress web 2.0 site.

If you have one, go ahead and log into your WordPress web 2.0 site.

If you do not have one you can sign up for free here.

Add Blog Post Button

Now you are logged into WordPress go ahead and click the “Add” Blog Posts button.

Select The Add Media Button

Go ahead and give your posts a title, as you can see I used my exact keyword.

Now click the “+ Add” icon and click on “Media”.

Select The Add Media Button

Click “Add New” and select the image you want to use from your computer.

Hit Insert Image Button

Now hit the “Insert” button (circled red).

Edit Your Image

Now click on your image, you will see the tool bar displayed in the image above.

Go ahead and click on the little pencil icon (circled red).

Change Image ALT TAG WordPress

You can add some text to the “Alt text” section that you want to use as the anchor text for your image link.

I want a <no text> backlink, so I am going to leave the Alt text area blank.

Then go ahead and hit the “Update” button (circled red).

Now it is time to get your image backlink in place.

Select The link Icon

Click on your image, now click the link icon (circled red).

Add URL to Image

Now add the URL you want the image to link to.

I always ensure the “open link in new tab/window” is not selected. I want the user to go to my website and stay there.

Then hit the “Add Link” button (circled red).

Add some content next to the image

You can go ahead and drop some content into the post near the image.

As you can see, I added a short sentence containing my focus keyword.

Hit the Publish Button

Now you can go ahead and hit the “Publish” button.

Head on over to your WordPress web 2.0 site to check that your image link is working.

Go ahead and index your new image backlink using Google console.

You can take a look at my second image backlink here:

Click the post title on your WordPress web 2 homepage to get the full post URL link.

You can take a look at the one I did here:

That’s it, you now have two powerful image backlinks in place.

These backlinks can be very powerful.

If you have an easy keyword, these backlinks alone can rank your website top.

If you have a harder keyword, then you need these backlinks too.

These backlinks will ensure you have a varied backlink profile.

Remember we can do these for you, you can buy them here.

Now you know that image sharing sites for SEO are important, you know how to get them, so go get it done……no excuses……

Rank Update

One month and 11 days with just two image backlinks as shown in the post has it ranking no. 3 on

Image Sharing Rank Check

147 thoughts on “Image Sharing Sites For SEO”

  1. i find a Strange question, some page TF Is 20 above, but not indexed by google. and in, some keywords rank number 1,2,3 not high PA website. even some website keywords Rank 1. PA Ony 1

    • That is because those sites ranking top will have good well optimized content, their TITLE TAG will have a high CTR and having good content their bounce rate will be low. It’s not good to look at metrics that are nothing to do with Google. Your best way to hit the top is to write good content and look at your competitors, make sure you have better content and better backlinks. It’s simple, write good content, check your content has the correct words in there that the top sites have that are related to your search term, write a good TITLE TAG and go and get niche related contextual backlinks and you will hit the top guaranteed.

  2. i did these work, and after 2-3 month, all backlink page TF And PA, Most from TF 0 To TF 10 Above,
    PA from PA=1 To PA 20-40.
    But big problem, i find my money website keywords still not up. some down.
    how to do for me?

    • I would need to take a look at your site to answer this one and also see the backlinks. You can send me an email and I will take a look for you 🙂

  3. Hi,dear Nick, really thank you for your help. i maybe make a big mistake, so i must need your help again.
    Frist, when i do some different backlink for my money web,
    for example: this month i did
    1.10 fourm profile backlinks
    2. 5 web2.0 website backlink
    3. 5 doc share
    4. 5 pictures share
    5. 5 bookmarking share

    then i submit all of these 30 backlinks page link to 100 blog comment page, (frist i use majestic to find high TF blogger/guestbook page, like TF 30 35 38 Or above, but not any relation,i selling mens clothes, but these blooger or guestbook page are art,company,photo,but TF All High,above 30).

    now i think maybe i make a big mistake. please help me,thank you.

    michael zhu

    • That’s not a mistake if they are on Tier 2, of course it help’s if they are niche related. Really you are only doing the tier 2 links to help get your tier 1 indexed and to pass on some juice. If you can get niche related links then of course it is much better, but what you have done will not be a problem for you.

  4. Hi nick, am back again still waiting for your response on my the project we discussed.

    Another issue I discovered on the optimization. You said we should put our keywords on the top, middle and end of our article, but here on rankersparadise, most of you posts you have ranked have 5 – 8 keywords. What do you make of this?

    • I have been rather busy over the last few weeks, I have your email and I have added you to my list of things to do 🙂 I will get back to you as soon as I can.

      You need to have your main focus keyword at the top, middle and bottom of the content. Don’t worry about keyword density, you will notice my main keyword is at the top, middle and bottom….then you can sprinkle more related keywords in the post if you wish to do so.

  5. Thanks Nick I really needed these links, came at the right time for me. I did the links right after you published the post and my site has pushed to rank position 5 on Google (I am now on page 1, can’t stop smiling), I was on page 3. You are amazing, keep up the good work.

    • Glad you found it useful. These links work well and can be done for any keyword. They rank low seo competition score keywords first page.

  6. Hi nick, any tips to improve from what I sent you? Besides with the recent google update, indexing web 2.0s is now a big issue. Mind throwing any findings on indexing as google submit URL doesn’t work any more.

  7. you said we should use long tail exact anchor text, and thats what am using. the content is high quality no doubt as i wrote them my self manually. if you dont mind you can give me an email and i forwar those web 2.0 properties to you for a glance, along side the tier 2 tumblrs so you see and tell me whats wrong. am eager to drop my testimony here about this strategy.

  8. Hi nick, its been a long time I have been testing this strategy. I don’t know why this strategy does not work for me, even on a low competition keyword of 4 and 2. Managed to rank up the keywords with tumblrs and then introduced the link wheels and my keywords dropped from 11 and 14 to 45 and 55 respectively after 3 days i put those link wheels and after day 9 I removed the link wheels the keywords rises again.

    I wish to ask where and what am doing wrong. The drop should be rise and put me on top not dropping my keywords

    • Hi Jerome, most definitely because of the anchors you are using and also the quality of the content surrounding your links.

    • Yes, drop the links on social networks, facebook and twitter…they get crawled often by Google bot, your links will index fast that way. Or you can go ahead and get some backlinks from Tumblr blogs that are already indexed and wait for Google to find the crawl the links.

  9. I am so glad I found this post. Thank you Nick. I found an easy keyword, got the two image backlinks like you said. My post is not rank 3 after just one week, I am amazed. It’s good to use no text as you say.

    • These image links work a treat, if you are unsure of what anchor text to use then go ahead and get no text image links, it’s one less thing to worry about. These links do work, this post is ranking on and is climbing fast, it is on the first page now on from just two image links. Go and get more links and you will hit the top spot for sure.

  10. Hey Nick!

    I have googled your keyword for this post ‘image sharing sites for SEO’ but i did not found your post anywhere? This technique will help to get ranked!

    • This page is ranked no. 36 on see image:

      rank check

      I only did 2 image links and did not index them.

      I just checked, the two image backlinks are not indexed in Google.

      This page is ranking 36 on content alone….

      If I index those links it will hit the first page for sure, might need a few more to rank top.

      • You have no idea how rankings work. You really think if you index “2” image backlinks, you will be on the first page for that keyword? Let me index 10 image backlinks for you. I will reply back with ranking updates.

        • Hi, thank you for dropping by. This post was to reveal how to do image backlinks including how to get backlinks that you might see your competitors with. If you want to drop some image backlinks at this post feel free to do so, send us the links and ranking up dates 🙂

  11. Hi Nick,

    Great post you have up here!

    Hopefully this sites are top notch for getting image backlinks.

    I really don’t know, I published a post earlier, and automatically it landed on 8th position of google immediately after publish and then, it went to 5th Page.

    Just dancing up and down!
    What could be wrong?

    • Google dance is normal when a new post hits the index….your post will settle. This is Big G playing your new content to test for bounce rate…time on page….number of pages visited etc. Your content is new, so the bot has to establish where it fit’s into the index, it will not hit the top without backlinks unless click through rate is high and bounce rate is low etc. If your new content is tested on the first page it means it must be optimized well for your search term, you now need to take care of the off page factors. Take a look at your Google Analytics to get your bounce rate and CTR stats.

    • Just grab the backlinks from dofollow web 2 platforms, it’s good to have a mix of dofollow and nofollow links anyway. Of course, there are ways around re-directs etc by manipulating the code. I don’t have the time for this, I am sure there are people out there that will have done this but it’s something I haven’t looked into.

  12. A new post at last….been a long time Nick. Another great share, thank you. You always seem to deliver just what I am needing….weird. Cant wait for the next one, try not to leave it as long this time. I will get the image backlinks over the next few days.

    • Yes I finally got round to doing a new post, I would love to have more time to write more, not enough hours in the day. Glad you found it useful, let me know how it goes for you. I will write a new post as soon as I can.

  13. Good work, just what I needed also. I have also noticed my competitors with lots and lots of notext backlinks. I wanted to know how they were getting then and did a google search and found your post. Thank you for explaining this. I have started to get some and will buy your service soon.

  14. Thanks Nick, going to do these image links right now. Thank you for the image sharing sites list, very useful. I am a photographer, so I really need these links for my site.

  15. Thank you, followed your tutorial and got the image backlinks from Tumblr and WordPress. I have found a very easy keyword, going to throw a whole load of notext backlinks at it as you have shown, will let you know the results.

  16. You read my mind, I was just the other day looking for how to get notext backlinks. I see my competitors with hundreds of these links only on seo spyglass. Thank you for sharing, I can get these links now.

    • Yes it is important to get these backlinks in place. I see many now using notext backlinks to rank. Get them in place and let us know how it goes for you.


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