120 Manual Edu Links 80% Contextual 75% DoFollow


You are going to get 120 Edu and Gov backlinks with the majority of them being contextual DoFollow links.

These sites boost authority and give quick ranking changes. The sites are crawled often by Google bot.

What we need from you?

At the checkout give us the following details:

  1. Your website URL (1 only)
  2. Your keywords (give us as many as you want to)

We do accept casino sites for this service and will work in any language. We do not accept porn sites.

When the work is complete we will send all the URLs to your email address.

Delivery time: 7 to 15 days


We are giving you 120 Edu and Gov backlinks manually developed. This takes time, so is well worth the price.

Each and every site packs a punch of high authority. The links are an asset to any domain.

In the process we get you Guest posts, forum posts, and profile backlinks. We do not do 301s or comments here.

We will use the anchor text of your choice and use a mix of DoFollow and NoFollow links to make things look natural. Most of the links will be DoFollow.

The Edu/Gov sites that we use are crawled regular by Google bot, they have a fast impact on website rankings. These kind of links will get even the most competitive keywords to the top of Google SERPs.

Why get these Edu backlinks?

  • The Edu/Gov sites are indexed in Google. Your links will be crawled and keyword rankings will change.
  • We use a mix of profile and contextual links for the biggest impact.
  • These links are 100% safe. They are tried and tested and always get great results.
  • We use premium accounts, you can’t get these links anywhere else. Your competitors will not be able to replicate these links.
  • They will boost the value and authority of any website.

What are you going to receive?

  1. 120 Edu and Gov backlinks
  2. 80% of the links will be contextual
  3. Use the anchor text that you want
  4. At least 75% of the links are DoFollow
  5. Boosts website authority quickly
  6. Links are crawled often and rankings are affected
  7. Some NoFollow links mixed in to make things appear natural

We will work in any language and will work with casino sites too.

We do not accept porn sites for this service.



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